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Y/n's POV

"Looking for someone?" a sudden voice from behind me, making me startled.


As I turned around and see this beautiful lady standing in front, wearing a white tuxedo and matching white pants.

"Opps my bad haha" she said.

What the heck is happening right now?

"Who..who are you?" I asked.
"You can call me Chungha, I'm here to pick you up^^" she replied making me confused even more.

Pick me up?

"Can you explain what's happening now?Am I really dead?h-how did it happen?" I asked.

"This is just the end for a new beginning,Y/n.." she stated.I gave her a look of confused.

"This is not the end of your journey yet.There's another world, waiting."
"Like an afterlife?"
"Yes, but only for those who have pure hearts.."she added.

"I thought if a person dies,he/she dies and will never return.." 
she just smiled.

She snapped her finger two times and then a light suddenly appeared.
But more like a portal.

"Woah- what's this?"my jaw almost dropped just by looking at it.It's just so surreal.

"This is the way through the new world."she replied.
"Every humans who dies in this world with a pure heart will end up here." she added.

I really have so many questions in my mind since I'm really confused of what's happening right now.

"Does this mean I'm still alive?" "Well,in this world.. you're already gone but in the new world you're still living."she said as she winked.

A sudden thought came inside my mind.

Does this mean I get to see him again?

I immediately asked her without hesitation.

"Uhm.. you're some sort of a grim reaper right?" She nods.
"By any chance do you know someone who's name is Joshua?Hong Joshua?"

She looked at me and said,

"Yes,I think he's the one I picked up in this same location."

You || Joshua (Hong Jisoo) x Reader Where stories live. Discover now