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Joshua's POV

"Are you really okay?" She said with a worried tone.

"Yeah..I think I'm just tired."
I explained as I smiled.

But the worried expression on her face still remains.

I looked at her and said,
"It was fun being with you."
She smiled at me and replied,
"I was having fun too."

A moment pass and then the rain started pouring down.
"Here comes the rain~" she cutely said as she let her hand get wet by the rain.

Then the rain started to get heavy.
I glanced at her as she started shivering. She's trying to hide it but it's just obvious.I took off my jacket and put it around her shoulders.

"Oh- you d-dont have to.."
she said as she was about to give it back to me.

"I insist, I know you get cold easily^^" I replied.

While waiting for the bus I secretly took a peek on my hand.

It's not getting any better..

It started to have a crack now.

Please remember me Y/n..I want to stay longer with you..

Y/n's POV

As the bus arrived,we both stood up and stepped inside.
We sat down together.

A few minutes later,I didn't realize that he feel asleep already. He's head gently land on my shoulder making me smile.

"It must've been tough for you.."
I said enough for me to hear.
He really did everything just to let me remember him.

It sounds mean but after what we did earlier, there's nothing that came up in my mind about him.I didn't even know if this is right but I do believe in him.
All he says are persuasive through me.

"I really hope I can remember you..Joshua"

I just don't want him to leave.I don't want him to leave now that I started to fall in love with him.

I lean on him as I keep on forcing my mind to remember him.

Suddenly, something caught my attention.
I saw his hands flickering.

The one that really caught my full attention is the crack on his hand.
It made my eyes widen as I started to feel worried.

I don't know why but my tears started to fill up my eyes.I just held his hands with mine.

"I won't let you go..Hong Joshua."

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