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Y/n's POV

The long distance friendship,the playground,the grim reaper lady,the afterlife and even my death!..it was all just a dream..

I looked at the clock and noticed that it was still 3:45 am.

"What kind of dream is that?.."I asked to myself as I dive back to bed.

Everything in my dream was clear as a crystal.It was like..not a dream at all.

I even had a childhood best friend there.But in real life I really don't have one.

"Hong Joshua.."
I mumbled as I remembered the name of my so-called childhood best friend from my dream.

I don't even know someone who has a name like that.

I was still thinking while I look at the ceiling.

"It's okay Y/n..that was all just a dream.." I said to myself as I sighed deeply.

I didn't realize that my tears are slowly falling again.
My heart is aching tho because of that dream.

"Ugh!!How can I sleep back now?*sobs*"


I can't sleep last night because of that painful dream.I can't even get it out my mind like it really did happened.


I went to the kitchen as I scratch my head.
I'm getting ready for school as I did my morning routine.

I'm in my dorm now since my parents went to a business trip together.
I don't want to stay in that huge house alone tho.

I remembered that my Dad even died in that dream.

"What a crazy dream.." I mumbled.
The craziest dream I ever had.

As I finished eating my cereal I grabbed my bag then went outside and locked my room.

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