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Y/n's POV

"Wahh!"I startled.
It was like my soul almost left my body.

"What was that for?"I asked still in that feeling.
"I said move away.."he coldly replied.

I can't barely see his identity since he's wearing a black hoodie but I could tell that his hair was dyed in peach with a mix of light orange rather.


I said enough for me to hear as I stepped away to the locker and started walking but then he spoke.

"What did you just say?"he asked making me glanced back.

I was about to speak but then I fully had a great view of his face making me stopped for a moment.

Instead of responding, I just continued walking through the hallways.

He's kinda..cute I guess..

"Damn it Y/n what are you thinking!"I said as I tried to throw that thoughts away.

I was at the exit when suddenly a heavy rain poured down.

"Aish I forgot to bring my umbrella.."I said as I was standing there not knowing what to do.

I can't just run through this rain since my unit is a bit far and there's no much taxi passing by.

"What an unlucky day.."I said to myself.

The other students with their umbrella started to went home while me..just standing there.

I was about to call Sana but then I noticed that my phone has no battery.

Is today Friday the 13th?or I am really just an unlucky person?

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