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Y/n's POV

Mingyu called as he hugged me.

He's always like this when I'm around.
He is kinda clingy tho but I like this side of him.

"Yah!What about me?"Sana said while pouting.
"You're a grown up now, you can hug yourself."Mingyu teased.
"Eshhhh!"Sana replied with an annoyed look.

"It's okay Sanake~ I'll just hug you."
I said acting childishly and hugged her.

I saw her stick her tongue out to Mingyu.

How naughty but cute at the same time.

Our professor arrived and Mingyu sat down on his seat behind me.

Our boring class started as the teacher keeps discussing.

Math..I hate Math..

Is the only thing that is in my head now.

-time skips-

Lunch time.The three of us head towards the cafeteria.

"So..how was your day Y/n?"
Mingyu asked as he put his arms around my shoulder.

"Ugh! Don't remind me of my day.."
I replied.
"Haha why?" He asked again.
"Long story.."
"I bet you dreamed about me."
"Haha you wish!"

I started to remember some scenarios in my dream and I don't really want to remember that dream.

I don't know why but, the only one that's on my mind now is that Joshua guy.

Who are you?Do you even exist?

As we found a vacant table, we sat there and Mingyu volunteered to take our orders.

"Thanks Gyu!"I shouted.

"Hey Y/n.."
I glanced at Sana who's staring weirdly through me.

"Hmm? what's with the face?"I asked back as I let out a chuckle.

She leaned closer to me like she's trying to whisper something so I leaned closer to her too.

"Is there something happening between the both of you?" she whispered making me sat back immediately.

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