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Joshua's POV

"What's gotten into him?" I heard  Woonyoung said.I continued my way to my office.

If she's really Y/n..does this mean..Y/n is already dead?

Questions started to fill my mind again.

But that's too cruel. Maybe she's not really her.


Ugh! but she acts the same with the
Y/n back to the other world.

I was like having a debate with my own mind.

I went back there,now wearing my uniform as our eyes met again.

Wait.. she's gonna work here.How am I suppose to control myself?!should I just fire her?

"You can start your job today." I coldly said.
"Thank you Chef!^^" she replied as she bowed.I head thru the kitchen.

Damn it!why did I act coldly?

As costumers started to arrive Y/n went inside the kitchen wearing her uniform.

I stared at her for a moment as she walked closer and closer to me.It was like the world has stopped moving.

Are you really Y/n?

She smiled at me and lightly bowed.

That smile..the smile that I always see when we're together.

"You're my assistant for the fire part so you should do as I say."I explained to her as she nods.

She just stood beside me as I secretly took a peek at her.But as she noticed I immediately looked back at the dish I'm cooking.

"Three pinches of salt."I commanded as she did what I said.
"5 table spoons of sugar."
I keep on commanding as she was about to touch the edge part of the wok.

But I hurriedly catch her hand, making my hand the one that was heated.

"*gasp* Omoo.. I'm so sorry Chef! Are you okay?"she asked worriedly.
"Hmm.."I nod.

Damn!it hurts!

I just endured the pain inside, not letting her know I was hurt.

I continued commanding her.
But I can sense that she's worried.

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