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Joshua's POV

After what happened earlier, I don't think I can sleep well.
What I thought earlier is that, maybe if I kiss her, she'll remember everything.

I just realized that our life was not a fairytale.

"Damn it!why did I did that?"
I palmed-hit my forehead three times as I realized what I just did.

I let out a deep sigh.
Meanwhile, I felt my hand flickering and it's making me weak.

"Ah-..what the-.."

It was like, my hand is slowly fading or something.

I remembered something about fading.It's when the one you love who's in this new world ,is starting to forget you.

"She really is Y/n.."I said as I head my way outside.

There's no one I ever know that I love and who's in this new world except her.

"I had to let her remember me before it's too late."

I ran my way thru the bus stop hoping that she's still there and my guts didn't let me down.

"Y/n.." I was still panting as she looked at me with her eyes widened.


I'm now sitting beside her and explained her everything.I showed her my hands which was still flickering.

"So..we were childhood best friends back in that other world where we came from?"she asked as I nod, not looking at her.

"You must've forgot to clear your mind first before entering the portal. That's why it took all your memories ."I added.

"What happens if I don't remember anything about you?"she asked.
I looked at her and said,

"I'll fade in this world.Like I never really exist."

I don't know when will I last here and if she still can't remember me, I'll be gone..forever.
I was about to speak up but she cut in.

"Help me..help me remember you."she said looking at me as I smiled at her.

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