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Y/n's POV

Class is almost over,Mingyu suddenly whisper-called me from behind.

"Hmm?" I responded.

He asked me to lean closer to him so I leaned closer.

"I have to tell you something after class.."he whispered.

What he said gave me chills all over my body.I can almost feel my cheeks go red.

Sana suddenly butt-in.
"Hey what are you guys talking?".

Mingyu and I sat properly immediately and tried to ignore Sana.

"Eshh..this kids" she said as she gave me a weird look.I just flashed a smile to her as we payed attention to the discussion.

As time went by, the class has ended.
I realized that Mingyu left already.

I saw a sticky note behind my chair.
I picked it up and then read what's in it.

"Meet me at the library.."I read through my mind as a smile appeared on my lips.

"Hey what's this?" Sana suddenly grabbed the note out of my hand as she read it.

"*gasp*Yes!I was right!Mingyu has feelings for you!" she happily said while jumping like a kid.
"What?"I asked confusingly.

Sana stopped jumping around and looked at me.

"Really Y/n? you're gonna deny your feelings for him?"she said as she placed her both hands on her waist.

"Wha-" I didn't finished because she just dragged me outside.

"Let's just go there and check how will Mingyu confess his feelings to you"Sana said while we walk in a fast pace.

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