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Y/n's POV

We're having so much fun, we didn't even noticed that time went quickly.

"It's almost 8 already."I said.
"I think we should feed our tummies."he suggested as I agreed.

We went to the nearest restaurant in that area.

"I'll order our foods."he said as he went to the counter while me on the other side was looking for a vacant seat.Until I spotted a table for two.

I went there and sat down.I looked at him standing at the counter as he ordered some foods.

A while later and then he sat down in our table.

"Here's yours.."
He said as he placed it in front of me.

I was surprised that he ordered my favorite food.Fried sushi with a fried tofu.

He does really know me so well.

"Thanks for the foods~^^"
I said as we both started eating.
"Hmmm~ tasty."

He looked at me then smiled.I did the same as a response too.

We we're really enjoying our time together.

Few moments later.

We started walking through the bus stop.

"I think I'm full haha" I let out a giggle.
"Thank you..Y/n.."
"You don't have to, I should be the one who should thank you^^.Your helping me remember everything."

"Well, is there anything that you remembered as we did some stuffs earlier?"he asked.
"Hmm..not yet... but don't worry, I'll try my best to remember everything^^"
"You don't have to force yourself for this."

I was about to speak when he suddenly felt dizzy since he hold his head.

"Are you okay?is there something wrong?"I asked.

He then looked at me and just nod with a smile.
I looked at his hand and it was getting deteriorate than before.

I don't want you to fade. I'll do everything to remember you.

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