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Y/n's POV

We stopped by a cotton candy stand.He bought one for me as we started walking in the pathway.

He looked at me as I ate the cotton candy and flashed a smile.

I wonder where are we going next.

While we're walking he suddenly spoke.

"Just let me know if you're feel uncomfortable.I don't want you to feel that way."
Joshua said as he glanced at me.

"Don't worry, I'm not uncomfortable at all^^."
I replied as he smiled at me and I did the same.

I secretly stared at him as a smile painted on my lips.
I don't know why but, ever since we met I can't stop smiling whenever I look at him.

It's just weird that I can't remember our memories together.

He pulled me inside a mini library and drag me into the shelves.

Of course!The library!

"I've always wanted to be here, but I was too busy looking for a stable job."
I said while looking for a book to read.

"We always love to hangout at the library ever since we're kids ^^" he explained.

As we picked some books, we sat in a table for two as we started reading.

A sudden song came inside my mind.I didn't realize that I was singing the lyrics.

"I'm like a bird~not a turkey.."
I sang making Joshua looked at me.
"You remembered that song?"he asked.

"I think so.."I said as I let out a giggle.
"The lyrics are not right.."
he stated as we both looked at each other.

After 3 seconds we found ourselves laughing like little kids.Making the librarian 'shhh' us both.
We looked at each other again as we both hold our laughs.

Then after that, we went out again and he started dragging me,again.

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