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"Mattsun!" Hanamaki yells, making his way inside Matsukawa's apartment. 

Matsukawa lives alone, wanting to be independent and free from his parents. They aren't strict when it comes to him so they calmly agreed with his request and Hanamaki obviously got jealous as he still lives with his parents. He can't wait to go to college already. 

Graduation has finally ended, making them free from all those school works and volleyball practices. Hanamaki enjoys staying in Matsukawa's apartment because it's quiet, him being the only source of the noise. 

He suggested that both of them should share a room in college and Matsukawa agreed, thankful that he won't be anxious of getting a stranger as a roommate.

The dark-haired guy groans at Hanamaki's deep and loud voice.

"You're here again?" he complains, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Of course, where else would I go?" Hanamaki grins at him.

"I dunno, Oikawa maybe. You're equally annoying," Matsukawa suggests, waving his hands to dismiss his best friend.

The pink-haired guy pouts a little before lying beside the taller one. "He's with his iWa-cHan all the time, I don't wanna third wheel."

"Wait, they're a thing?" Matsukawa creases his thick brows.

"You blind or what? Issei, it's obvious." Hanamaki rolls his eyes before scooting closer to the other. 

"Ew, get away from me," Matsukawa complains, trying to push the shorter guy away. 

"I should be the one saying ew, you just woke up. Smelly and all," Hanamaki says, facing the other. "Don't worry, no homo." He winks.

Matsukawa flicks his forehead, earning an 'aw'. "Get yourself a girlfriend, dumbass."

Opposite from his always bored look, Hanamaki actually likes cuddles in private. When he's around everyone, he stays calm and quiet, cutting off Oikawa's whines to Iwaizumi. He has all these sides that only Matsukawa Issei knows.

Although, he only knows little about the latter.

Matsukawa rarely talks about himself. He just jokes around with their teammates and teases Hanamaki whenever possible.

"I want a boyfriend." The pink-haired guy wiggles his brows.

"Ew, gay."

Hanamaki gasps. "You aren't?"

"I dunno." Matsukawa only shrugs, lifting his upper body to shift into a sitting position. As he sits, the blanket covering him falls to his lap, revealing his well-toned body.

"No no no, stay," Hanamaki whines. He doesn't care if he sounded like Oikawa. No one's around anyway.

Matsukawa sighs. "Let me just at least put a shirt on."

"No, it's alright. I won't mind," the shorter guy says, pulling him back to bed.

"Seriously Makki, I will expose you to everyone."

"You won't."

"And what makes you think that I won't?"

"Because you love me."

Matsukawa's gray orbs widens. 

"As your bestest friend, of course," Makki innocently says, wrapping his arms around the other's body. "You actually smell nice. Hmm, your future girlfriend would like this."

Matsukawa silently prays to the gods he won't hear his rapid heartbeat.

He stares at his 'bestfriend', watching him from the nth time already. Yeah, he's whipped.

But that's okay, right? He doesn't know, he thought.

"By the way," Hanamaki says, remembering something he's dying to tell the other. "I found some cool song covers."

From the mention of song covers, Matsukawa raises his brow.

"It was accidental, okay! You know I prefer the original artists. I don't know... I can't stop myself from listening. His voice is deeper than mine and very very manly. You can tell that he's handsome in person. Ahh, I wanna marry him," Hanamaki daydreams.

Matsukawa can't also help but to feel jealous. Who the hell is this guy and why did he seduce his precious Makki?

"Oh... sounds gay to me," he comments.

Hanamaki rolls his eyes. "Duh, I'm gay."

He jumps out of the bed before excitedly saying, "You should check him out. His username is... what was it again? Oh wait." He fishes his phone from his pocket and scrolls through it. 

"Ah! dreamyguy. That's it. Isn't it cool?" Hanamaki almost squeals.

Matsukawa coughs.

He sure knows who that is.

Because that username belongs to him.

"Sounds pretty gay," he says, avoiding Hanamaki's glare.

"Now, don't bash my future husband." The pink-haired guy crosses his arms.

Matsukawa almost chokes on his saliva. "F-future husband?"

"Yes," the other confidently answers.

The taller guy blinks. "Oh, right. Maybe he is."

"Aww, Issei. Thanks for your undying support. Lemme give you a kiss." Hanamaki puckers his lips. 

Matsukawa doesn't know how he managed to live with this flirty best friend.

"Shut up. What do you wanna eat?" He changes the topic before he couldn't resist that pinkish lips.

"Cream puffs!"

He facepalms. "Really? Creampuffs for breakfast?"

"But it's my favorite!"

Matsukawa sighs in defeat. "Okay, master."

He just can't argue with the pushy guy.


Enjoy the fluff, deprived MatsuHana shippers.

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