e i g h t e e n

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Hanamaki couldn't hide his shock and amazement when Osamu showed his cooking skills. The gray-haired guy swiftly moved around the kitchen like it's his own place. He knows exactly what to grab and what to put. He doesn't hesitate and he looks like a fine chef, Hanamaki thought. In almost a blink of an eye, everything was ready. The two of them set the table, the aroma of food spreading thoughout the kitchen. 

"You should call them," Osamu says, placing the delicious looking curry on the table.

Hanamaki gulps, hungry and excited to eat already. "Hell yeah." With that, he runs to the living room where Matsukawa and Atsumu stay. 

"Issei! Let's eat dinner and you too... Atsumu-kun. Osamu actually cooked for us," Hanamaki calls the pair.

Matsukawa grins. "I literally thought you're the one who cooked." He stands up and stretches, walking over to Hanamaki afterwards. Atsumu does it too and heads for the kitchen, not sparing a glance to the sweet couple.

"Wow 'Samu, you act like you own the kitchen," Atsumu teases his brother who only scoffed at him in return.

In a minute, the four of them sit at the dining table, ready to eat all the foods placed in front of them. 

Hanamaki gasps. "Hey, how about Suga and Daichi? Should I wake them up?" He suddenly remembers that they were not the only ones inside the unit.

"Oh, they're here?" Atsumu asks.

"Yeah," Matsukawa nods. "I guess we'll just leave their share of food and let them eat when they wake up."

"Good idea, they might be tired," Hanamaki says. "Now, let's eat!"

"Thank you for the food!" they say in unison and immediately started picking their preferred food. 

Osamu smiles proudly at the sight, he couldn't wait to be a real chef someday.

"Damn, you cook well Osamu," Hanamaki praises, almost moaning because of the pleasant taste of each dish. "Especially your onigiris."

Osamu blushes at the compliment. "Thanks, I'm still practicing though."

"Hmm, not bad," Atsumu says while taking big bites of the onigiri.

Osamu rolls his eyes. "Slow down, you pig." He hands a glass of water when his twin almost chokes.

Hanamaki and Matsukawa smiles at the two brothers. With all that bickering, they're reminded by Oikawa and Iwaizumi. How they missed hanging out with the two.


It wasn't that long when the Miya twins bid their goodbyes to the couple. 

Matsukawa closes the door while Hanamaki sighs in exhaustion. It's almost midnight and they need to rest because they will have classes tomorrow. The taller guy holds his boyfriend's hand and pulls him inside their room, locking the door behind them.

Hearing the sound of the lock, Hanamaki flinches, tilting his head to his boyfriend.

Matsukawa raises his brow. "What?"

"Why did you lock-"

"I wanna kiss you," Matsukawa cuts him off.

Hanamaki stands there wide-eyed, not knowing what to reply. He lets out an awkward laugh as he shakes his head. "Issei, we need to sleep now or we'd be zombies tomorrow." He inches the gap between them before placing a soft kiss on Matsukawa's lips. He turns to go to his bed, avoiding any kind of contact with his boyfriend. He should control himself, he thought. He wouldn't want to sleep on class tomorrow.

"Makki..." Matsukawa coos, walking behind him.

Hanamaki sighs, almost giving in. He knows exactly what Matsukawa wants. He knows it's not just a kiss that his boyfriend wants. "We should go to sleep..." His voice sounds so unsure.

Matsukawa chuckles, giving up. "Alright. But can you sleep beside me?" he asks, wrapping his arms around Hanamaki's waist and putting his chin on his shoulder.

Hanamaki gulps. "Okay, let's sleep," he mutters, pulling his boyfriend to his bed.

The two lie down side by side, an awkward atmosphere envelopes the room. 

The pink head fakes a cough before turning his head to Matsukawa's side. "S-should I turn on the aircon? It's kinda getting hot here..." He fans himself using his hand, wiping his sweat with the other.

Matsukawa's eyes are closed so he just hums in agreement.

Hanamaki stands up, turning on the AC and lying back down beside his boyfriend. He scoots closer to him, hugging him from the side. Matsukawa's breath stops for a moment, his self control saying no. He pretends to be asleep already and yet Hanamaki's warmth beside him is keeping him awake. 

God damn it.

Matsukawa opens his eyes and pushes himself up and above Hanamaki. 

"Let's just skip if we can't wake up early tomorrow," he whispers, kissing the pink head on the lips afterwards.

Hanamaki kisses back, humming.

Fuck, college.


I think it's rare to see a needy Matsukawa so let's feed ourselves with these. I'm sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy reading a manhwa lol.

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