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Hanamaki may not say it but he notices that every Saturday, when he goes out to go to his parents, Matsukawa also goes out and he doesn't even know to where or with whom. It started when he arrived earlier than usual and Matsukawa is nowhere to be seen inside their unit.

Hanamaki decided to call him.

"Hey, baby. What's up?" Matsukawa answers the phone.

"Where are you right now?" Hanamaki asks, curious.

"I'm- I'm inside our room, why? You coming home already? Should I pick you up?"

The pink head goes silent for a moment. Why would Matsukawa lie to him? He never lies. Where the hell is he and why wouldn't he tell him? Every possibility, which are mainly negative, invades Hanamaki's mind.

"Baby? Still there?" Matsukawa's voice brings him back to reality.

He shakes his thoughts away and answers. "Oh, you don't have to pick me up. Just stay where you are." 

As soon as the call ended, Hanamaki sprints his way to the nearest convenience store to pretend that he isn't at home. He'll just wait and see for Matsukawa to enter the building.

For a few moments, there weren't signs of Matsukawa not until a certain blonde catches Hanamaki's eyes. 

"Atsumu?" Hanamaki asks himself. "Why is he-"

He gets cut off when he sees that Atsumu isn't actually alone. He's with Matsukawa. He's with Hanamaki's boyfriend. But why, Hanamaki asks himself again. He hates it, the possibility that his boyfriend and Atsumu are hanging out behind his back pisses him off. He doesn't want to doubt Matsukawa but he just can't avoid it. If he's seeing a friend, he should at least tell him.

With a shaky breath, Hanamaki starts go out from the convenience store and to their building, still eyeing the unusual pair. Atsumu waves goodbye with a smile and turns to the opposite direction, probably going home. Matsukawa too waves at him before turning his back and entering the building in a hurry.

When Hanamaki made sure that Matsukawa has probably entered their unit, he quickens his pace to ride the elevator. 


Matsukawa catches his breath.

God, why must he run into Atsumu? The blonde was just too talkative and too clingy for his liking yet he didn't want to be rude so he entertained him nicely. He was in a hurry because he doesn't want to get caught by Hanamaki. He recorded a new song cover at Iwaizumi's and he hadn't expected that his boyfriend would be coming home earlier than him.

He quickly changes to his comfortable clothes and jumps into his bed and pretends to read something. His heart is beating rapidly from the rush but he has to act calm. The door opens, Matsukawa looks up and smiles to his boyfriend. He hates to lie but he thinks that now's now the right time to tell Makki that he and dreamyguy are one. He has to prepare for Hanamaki's possible reactions because he can't lie to him forever. 

Matsukawa opens his arms wide to welcome Hanamaki and the latter quickly runs to him, hugging him tight afterwards.

"Missed you," he whispers to Hanamaki's ears. 

The pink doesn't answer but instead, hugs him even more.

"What's wrong, baby?" Matsukawa asks gently.

"Just tired," Hanamaki answers, voice muffled.

"You should change your clothes first before going to bed," Matsukawa says, gently pulling his boyfriend towards the closet. "What do you want to wear?" he asks, his right arm holding Hanamaki and his other arm, rummaging through their closet.

"You can choose anything," Hanamaki replies, still hugging the taller guy like a koala. 

Matsukawa chuckles. "Alright." He picks the baby blue sweater that Hanamaki wore on that one photo he sent him and a cute pajamas. "Done, now let's dress you."

Hanamaki blushes a little as he parts from Matsukawa. He raises both of his arms so that his boyfriend could easily take off his shirt. 

Matsukawa gently pulls up the shirt, glancing a bit on his boyfriend's body before putting the sweater on. "You still have a nice body, baby," he compliments Hanamaki.

The pink head creases his forehead. "Pervert, you checked on me."

Matsukawa laughs. "Of course I was going to see that." He points at Hanamaki's body. "You are being a baby, letting me change your clothes and all. I don't hate it though." He winks before putting his hands to his boyfriend's waistband. 

Hanamaki's eyes widens, his usual bored look ruined. "W-wait, I'll do it."

Matsukawa laughs even more and nods. "Alright, go ahead."

"D-don't look!" Hanamaki warns him.

The taller guy shuts his eyes close, suppressing his laugh. "Okay, baby."

Hanamaki quickly pulls down his pants, leaving only his boxers and slide in to the pajamas his boyfriend is holding. "All done," he announces.

Matsukawa opens his right eye, checking if Hanamaki is actually done, and then his left eye, completely eyeing the cute pink head in front of him. He smiles, kissing the other's lips. 

"Should we sleep or?" he asks.

"Let's watch movies, I guess. Then eat whatever is in the fridge," Hanamaki suggests, loving the idea of staying up all night with his boyfriend.

"Great. Let me just prepare the food." Matsukawa pats his head and walks to the kitchen.

One thing that Hanamaki loves about Matsukawa is that he is chill and just goes with the flow. He rarely complains and he considers Hanamaki's suggestions. So maybe, just maybe. He has his reasons for lying to him, Hanamaki thought as he walks behind his boyfriend.


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