t w e n t y

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Hanamaki couldn't hide his frown from Sugawara. He has been so down ever since he arrived and the silver head won't let that pass so he bombarded the pink head with questions. Hanamaki would just sigh and say he's fine in return.

"Makki~ I know you're not fine. It shows," Suga says, pointing Hanamaki's frown with his index finger.

"You told me you saw Issei and Atsumu-kun yesterday, right?" he finally says, giving up.

"Yes and?" Suga tilts his head to the side, not getting his point. His eyes widens when realization hits him. "Wait, you mean..."

"He lied," Hanamaki deadpanns.

"W-what?! Matsukawa wouldn't dare!" Suga exclaims in disbelief, hand on his mouth.

"But he did," Hanamaki sighs, lying his head on his desk.

"Something must be up," Suga concludes, thinking of possible reasons to Matsukawa's actions to which Hanamaki didn't do because he is an ✨overthinker✨.

"Nah, he just deadass lied to me," the pink head mutters.

"And you're okay with that? Come on, you need to talk this out with him," Suga advises, rubbing Hanamaki's back.

"Actually, I'm kind of ignoring him," Hanamaki groans, burying his face against his palms.

"Then go to him! Now!" Suga pushes him.

"Suga, we have classes. Chill the fuck out," Hanamaki mumbles. And as if on cue, the professor enters the classroom like he has been summoned by Sugawara.

"Speaking of the devil," Suga whispers.

The day went on with Sugawara pestering Hanamaki to talk to Matsukawa.

Hanamaki runs inside a bathroom stall, escaping from Sugawara's preaches. He sighs, leaning at the door. He wipes his sweat with his hands and suddenly has the urge to pee so he does.

He's about to flush the toilet when he hears the main door opens and two people step inside. Hanamaki stops, having the urge to listen to their conversation because he just loves gossips.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" the first guy beams, probably washing his hands since Hanamaki hears water from the faucet.

"Yeah, me too," the second guy replies, a deeper voice this time.

Ha! Must be boyfriends.

Hanamaki smirks to himself.

"By the way, Matsu-kun don't forget to meet me at the usual place later. We still have stuffs to do," the first guy giggles.

The second guy just hums in return. Not too long after, the bathroom door closes.

And Hanamaki is frozen on his place, still processing the conversation he had heard.

Matsu-kun... I'm kidding with the boyfriend part.

There's only one guy that calls Matsukawa like that and he can't believe that he didn't recognize Matsukawa's voice for a second.

Millions of thoughts enters Hanamaki's mind and they are all negative. Usual place? Stuffs to do? What's gonna happen tomorrow? Why is Atsumu-kun excited? He hates to think that Matsukawa is cheating on him but isn't it obvious?

Trembling, he flushes the toilet and steps outside the stall to wash his hands and face. He needs to calm down first. Then he'll decide later.

Hanamaki dials Sugawara's number and after a few rings, his friend answers.

"MAKKI WHERE ARE YOU? I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU RUN FROM ME AGAIN I'LL CHOP YOUR NON-EXISTENT BANGS OFF," Suga greets him, making  Hanamaki hold his phone farther away from his ear.

"Suga, calm down. Where are you right now?" Hanamaki meekly asks, not having the energy to argue.

"I'm standing near the gate, waiting for Daichi. Why?"

"Can I... come over to your place later?" he says, unsure because he doesn't want to interrupt the couple's alone time.

"Sure sure. Daichi would go out with his friends later anyway."

"Okay, I'm on way there. Wait for me," he says.

"Okay?" Sugawara replies, confused by the pink head's lack of enthusiasm.


The whole walk to Sugawara and Daichi's apartment was quiet. Daichi excused himself just before they reach the destination, saying he has to meet with a few friends from high school.

Sugawara opens the door to their apartment with Hanamaki quietly tailing behind him. He closes it as soon as the pink head enters.

The silver head inhales deeply before throwing a question. "What really is the problem here? Matsukawa again?"

Hanamaki sighs and plops himself down the couch. "I think he's cheating on me."

"WHAT?" Sugawara exclaims, dropping all his things to the floor.

"I accidentally heard him and Atsumu in the bathroom earlier. They were talking about something that's gonna happen tomorrow. Atsumu-kun also said that they'll see each other later at the usual place," Hanamaki explains, looking anywhere except for Sugawara's direction.

"Maybe for a report or task for their class?" Suga suggests, not believing the fact that Matsukawa is a cheater. He just couldn't imagine him cheating. Man, he's whipped for the pink head.

Hanamaki sighs. "I don't know, Suga. Everything's suspicious to me."

"That's why I've been telling you to ask him properly," Suga says, sitting at the foot of the couch where Hanamaki is lying down.

"Y-yeah... maybe tomorrow," Hanamaki stutters, closing his eyes.

"For now, let's cheer you up. Let's have a movie marathon and eat lots of food together," Suga suggests happily, pulling the pink head up.

"Alright," Hanamaki agrees, smiling a little.

"How about you video call Oikawa?" Suga wiggles his brows.

Hanamaki gasps. "Good idea."

And their 'girl talk' began as soon as Oikawa answered the call. When he and Hanamaki set their eyes to each other, they literally squealed. Of course, they missed each other. It had been months. It wasn't too long also when Oikawa and Sugawara had considered themselves as BFFs.

Now, Hanamaki and Sugawara sit beside each other on the silver head's bed, facing the screen of his laptop.

"And then Iwa-chan was like, "Shitty-kawa, I like you and I won't take no as an answer." And he pinched my cheek and pulled me for a kiss. Isn't it romantic?" Oikawa daydreams, recalling how Iwaizumi confessed to him. He even tried to mimick Iwaizumi's voice.

Hanamaki and Sugawara stare at each other for a moment in silence.

"Uh guys? Isn't it romantic? Come on, you have to agree with me!" Oikawa pouts.

"Y-yes, it is Oikawa. Romantic. Very romantic," Suga awkwardly laughs.

Hanamaki rolls his eyes. "Very Iwaizumi."

"Awww, but he's better than Mattsun!"  Oikawa sticks his tongue out.

With that, Hanamaki turns silent, suddenly remembering why he is at Sugawara's room.

Oikawa's brows furrows. "W-wait, what's the matter?"

Hanamaki sighs, "Go on, Suga. Tell him."


Istg, Oikawa has to ruin the mood everytime 😂. Next chapter would be the EPILOGUE and would be on Matsukawa's point of view. (Author-chan, why we going so fast?! Because I'm lazy and I'm running out of ideas so 🤷🏻‍♀️)

What could be Atsumu and Matsukawa's secret? 🤔 If you have an idea, please keep it to yourself and see for yourself tomorrow or the day after it. Stay safe, luvs! ❤️

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