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The university is huge enough for Hanamaki to get anxious. He is not good with directions meaning he expects to get lost at the very first day of class. Luckily enough, Matsukawa is there. Though the pink head still worries as Matsukawa's on different classes and a few buildings away from his. 

Matsukawa takes up Psychology while Hanamaki takes up Photography. The pink head sighs as he thinks about how opposite their majors are. He's used to being on the same class as Mattsun and now he's contemplating if he's going to change his course or not. Which was dumb of him, according to Matsukawa.

"Dumbass, why would you take up a major that isn't for you? You'll be fine and I'm sure of that," Matsukawa scolds him as they walk through the  hallways of the main building. They just have to confirm their schedules and maybe take a tour around the university.

"But Issei-"

"No buts. Let's go," Matsukawa cuts him off and holds his hand, pulling Hanamaki with him.

Hanamaki wants to pout but he remembers they're in public which means he should not act clingy. Instead, he puts on his usual bored look and tries to match Matsukawa's pace.

"Issei, Issei!" he whispers. 

"What?" Matsukawa asks, still scanning the place, looking at the map he's holding from time to time.

"I can still see you during lunch breaks, right?" Hanamaki tries not to sound clingy and desperate.

Matsukawa gives him a sideward glance and a smirk. "Clingy, are we?"

"Of course not! I just don't know someone here, okay," he defends, hoping it would work.

"Of course, baby. You can," Matsukawa absentmindedly replies as he is busy looking for the office they're looking for.

Hanamaki blushes, about to fake complain with the endearment when Matsukawa talks again, "Oh, here it is. Took us long enough."

He looks back to the flustered Hanamaki, raising his brow. "What's the matter?"

"N-nothing. Let's get inside," Hanamaki stutters leaving him behind.

"Weird guy." 

The admission office is quiet with only a surprisingly young lady sitting inside. Hanamaki concludes she's the admission officer of the university.

The two greet the lady and the latter motions them to sit down.

"How may I help you?" the lady asks.

Hanamaki is about to answer when he notices that the lady is staring at Matsukawa in a suggestive manner. He is not pleased.

Matsukawa doesn't notice though or he just doesn't care as he politely answers, "We're here to get our schedules, Ma'am."

Hanamaki tries to hide his smirk when he saw how the lady's face turned sour when Matsukawa called him Ma'am. Obviously, she is only a few years older than they are.

"And you are?" she asks, still looking at Matsukawa.

"I'm Hanamaki Takahiro, will be majoring in Photography and he is Matsukawa Issei, will be majoring in Psychology," Hanamaki interrupts, putting on a fake smile.

The lady raises her brow. "Oh, let me just check if you're both enrolled."

It took only a few minutes for the lady to print their schedules and hand it to them, intentionally brushing her hands to Matsukawa's. Hanamaki huffs at the sight but maintains his bored look.

It's until they went out when Matsukawa notices Hanamaki's grumpy look.

"Why're you acting weird with the lady there?" he asks.

Fucking oblivious, Makki thought.

"I just don't like her," Hanamaki says, walking ahead.

"Hey, wait up," Matsukawa calls out and runs to catch up with him. "Why don't you like her, though?"

Hanamaki huffs. "Can't you see the way she looks at you, Issei? Fucking flirt!"

Matsukawa's eyes widen in shock. He eyes the red faced Makki, glaring at him. "H-hey Makki, why are you so mad?"

The pink head sighs. "Nevermind." He walks faster but Matsukawa catches up.

"I'm not interested, okay? Now, don't be mad, hmm?" His tone is soft to calm Hanamaki.

Hanamaki ignores him, looking ahead.

Matsukawa sighs, pulling the jealous pink head to an empty corner away from the students.


Hanamaki looks away, still not giving in.

Matsukawa chuckles, cupping both of his cheeks. "Jelly baby."

He plants a quick kiss on the pink head's lips.

Hanamaki huffs but he's in the verge of smiling. "I'm not jealous, Mattsun."

"Aww, don't be shy," Matsukawa teases, kissing the other after. 

It took a few seconds for Hanamaki to give in to the kiss. He kisses back, opening his mouth as Matsukawa seeks for entrance.

Matsukawa's hands trails down from his cheeks to his sides. "Baby, we have to... stop," he says in between the kisses. The other groans in protest, still kissing him. 

"Shit, we have to hold back. Makki, we're in school."

He gives the shorter guy one last kiss before he parts.

"Needy, are we?" Matsukawa chuckles, wiping the string of saliva from his mouth.

Hanamaki blushes. "Shut up."


OKAY HELP THIS IS FLUFF THIS IS FLUFF THIS IS FLUFF- I did something dirty, didn't I? Just wanna remind you that they're still not officially together. Enjoy lmao. 

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