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dreamyguy uploaded a new video.

i hope this reaches you.

Hanamaki clicks the video and smiles as he listens to the ever handsome voice of the anonymous person behind the screen. He wants to meet him, not because he likes him in a romantic way but because whenever he's feeling down the voice guides him away from the darkness. Sure, he's happy and contented with what he has right now but he's also human. He couldn't avoid the calls of his demons. 

This dreamyguy and Matsukawa are so similar. They have the ability to console and calm him down.

He sinks back to his bed, not knowing what to do. Then he remembered, he has to go with Matsukawa to buy their needed stuffs for college. How could he forget that? He facepalms and hurriedly stands up to pick a decent pair of clothes and shoes. He dresses up afterwards and fixes his pink locks which honestly didn't need fixing since it's too short. He's just too tired to take care of a longer hair especially when he's playing for matches. But now, he thought, he can do whatever he wants. 

He nods, he'll definitely grow his hair longer than what he's used to.

He texts Matsukawa that he'll come over and storms out of his room, shouting to his mom that he's going out with Matsukawa on his way out.

The lap to Matsukawa's apartment wasn't that long. Hanamaki immediately rides the elevator up to his best friend's floor. Meters away from Matsukawa's door, he notices a certain blonde standing in front of it. He creases his brow and walks slowly towards the figure, when the door opens and Matsukawa pops out, smiling.

Hanamaki asks himself who the unknown blonde is but he honestly does not know because he has encountered lots of blonde in his eighteen years of existence.

He stops on his track, observing the exchange of the two. The blonde hands over a box, probably chocolates, to Matsukawa and the receiver awkwardly accepts it. The blonde waves at him and walks over to the unit next door and steps inside, closing the door behind him.

Matsukawa scratches the back of his head, staring at the box he's holding. 

Hanamaki huffs at the sight. Matsukawa is sure handsome, receiving chocolates from neighbors and strangers. 

"Hey," he calls, walking towards the taller guy.

Matsukawa flinches at the sudden appearance of Hanamaki. "Makki, I was about to pick you up. Shall we go?"

Hanamaki tries to ignore the box of chocolates but fails because he is just a jealous person. "Who was that guy?" he asks, pointing to the unit next door using his lips.

"That was Atsumu. Thought you know him?" Matsukawa creases his forehead.

Hanamaki drops his gaze to the box and so does Matsukawa

"Oh this?" The taller guy raises the box. "He gave it to me. Apparently, his twin made it and he wants to share it. Not really fond of sweets though, do you want to eat these instead?"

Hanamaki rolls his eyes. "Alright, maybe later."

He doesn't know why he's being this way. It was just Atsumu, Oikawa's friend. Is he jealous because of the chocolates or because of the fact that Atsumu is way hotter than him? He doesn't know. He shrugs the thought by pulling Matsukawa inside the unit.

"Let me drink water for a while," he reasons out.

Matsukawa, confused, just mutters an "okay". He's used to Makki being unpredictable.

He puts the box inside the fridge and heads to the kitchen where Hanamaki is. 

"You done?" he asks, putting an arm around the other's waist so that he's back hugging him. He puts his chin on Hanamaki's shoulder, taking advantage of his height. 

If Hanamaki's surprised, he doesn't show it. He continues gulping one glass of water and puts it back on the sink in front of him. 

Matsukawa notices his silence, he pulls him closer to him. "What's wrong?" he asks, gently.

"I hate myself," Hanamaki mumbles.

"Hm, why?" 

"I get jealous easily," Hanamaki admits, pouting his lips.

Matsukawa grins, one of the reasons why he loves Makki is that the pink head's way too honest. He rarely lies because he fails to do so.

"You're jealous of Atsu-kun? Why, baby? He's just being friendly," he coos, planting shallow kisses on Hanamaki's cheek.

Hanamaki blushes at the endearment. "You know... anyone can snatch you away, not just him. Because we aren't... you know, a-actually together." Damn, how he wants to disappear right there because of embarrassment.

"Is that why you're being pouty, hm? You want us to be official?" Matsukawa flips him so that he's facing him right now.

Hanamaki avoids his gaze by looking down and fidgets with his fingers. "If you don't want to... it's fine for me."

"Takahiro, I'm just waiting for the right timing. I thought you wouldn't want to take things fast but now that I heard it from you..." Matsukawa gulps, preparing for what he's about to say. He stares directly at Makki's beady yet beautiful eyes, hoping that all his feelings would reach him.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Hanamaki shots his head up, eyes widened. He tears up a little as he says, "Yes."

Matsukawa smiles at him, pulling him into a kiss.

"I love you, always."


They're so cute, I'm crying-

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