t w e l v e

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Hanamaki swears that destiny is definitely playing with him. He's seated at the back part of their classroom, beside the window. And it happens that he can see what's happening down below. As he looks down, he can see some students wearing their PE uniforms. He checks on each of them and his gut feeling did not disappoint him. It's Matsukawa's class.

Paying no attention to the discussion in front, Hanamaki checks on his boyfriend. And damn, is he hot, the pink head has to gulp down the unnecessary thoughts that has been bothering him since earlier.

Matsukawa's holding a tennis racket, one hand holds a ball. It was all fun and stuff for Makki not until Atsumu came to the scene. The blonde taps the taller guy's shoulder and says something, laughing afterwards. Matsukawa just smiles and the two head across a tennis backboard, Atsumu conversing with the taller guy in the process.

Hanamaki secretly huffs and tries to pay attention to the professor discussing something about cameras but fails. He's just too curious to look away. He eyes the two figures busy with their PE class. He taps his ballpen against the notebook on his desk, careful not to make any unnecessary sounds.

It took a while for him to notice that the bell has already rang. When he looked around, there were no students left except for Sugawara who eyes him suspiciously.

"O-oh, I was out of it I guess," Hanamaki awkwardly says, touching his nape. He immediately puts his things inside his bag.

"What's wrong?" Suga asks, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I just... watched Issei's PE class down there," Makki answers, nervous that the gray-haired guy could read his thoughts.

Suga raises his brow before nodding. "Alright, let's go to our next class or we'll be late."

Hanamaki nods. "Right."


Matsukawa rushes to Hanamaki's last class, running a bit late because he had to do some errands for their professor. 

Panting, he arrives just as Hanamaki is about to walk away. The latter yelps in surprise.

"H-hi," Matsukawa greets, still catching his breathe, his hands on his knees.

"W-what happened?" Hanamaki worriedly asks, wiping his boyfriend's forehead with a handkerchief.

"Thought you'd be bored to wait here. Sorry, the professor made me return some books in the library," Matsukawa apologizes, catching Hanamaki's hands and pulling him closer.

Hanamaki blushes. "M-mattsun, they can see us."

The pink head is worried that they would be judged by the other students as same sex relationships aren't that open with their country yet.


"I thought you wouldn't want to-"

Matsukawa silences him by a kiss. As he parts, he smiles down to Hanamaki. "I want to show them because you're amazing and I'm proud that you're my boyfriend."

Hanamaki's cheeks turns into crimson red as he buries his face against his boyfriend's chest. "I hate you," he murmurs, voiced muffled.

Matsukawa laughs. "Aw, shy baby."

"Shut up, Issei."

The taller guy pats Hanamaki's head. "Let's go?"

The latter hums and they both start walking towards the stairs, hands locked.


Hanamaki sighs as he sinks himself on to Matsukawa's bed. "That was tiring." 

Both of them moved to an apartment closer to the university and although Matsukawa suggested they share the same bed, Hanamaki awkwardly requested for separate beds.

One week before classes would start, they eventually moved their things and arranged some furniture inside. Hanamaki posting their photos to the wall and Matsukawa organizing their clothes so that it wouldn't get mixed though he didn't mind sharing his clothes with his boyfriend.

Matsukawa laughs as he changes into comfortable clothes. "That's still the first day, you know. There are more to come."

The pink head groans. "College sucks." He looks to his side where Matsukawa has just lied down. "I wish we have the same classes. It's so boring without you there."

The dark-haired guy faces him too. "Then would you mind studying Psychology?"

Hanamaki grunts. "No thanks." He moves closer to his boyfriend, cuddling with him. "I'm glad that we live together now though."

"Yeah, but on different beds," Matsukawa says, sarcasm overflowing as he rolls his eyes.

"I don't want my mom to think that I'm too clingy!" Hanamaki counters.

Matsukawa points to the pink head's arms tightly wrapped around his body. "And this is not clingy?"

Hanamaki groans. "Shut up, they won't know."

"Hmm, okay," Matsukawa mumbles, pulling the other for a sweet kiss.


too short because my brain said no <3

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