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Hanamaki raises his brow as he listens to the song. 

"Is dreamyguy straight?" he asks himself. He laughs a little. "Why am I even surprised?"

The door opens, Matsukawa walks in and sits beside him. The taller guy kisses his shoulder before asking, "What's up, baby?"

Hanamaki removes the other side of his earphones, looking beside his boyfriend who's currently leaning his head on to his shoulder. "Just listening to my future husband." He giggles.

Matsukawa looks up, pouting at him. "Hey, I'm getting jealous with that guy." He tries to suppress his grin. Of course, he won't be jealous of himself. It's just that he loves teasing the clueless Makki.

Hanamaki smirks. "Hmm, I can't wait to meet him in person."

Matsukawa raises his brow. "What would you do if you'd meet him?"

The pink head traces his thick brows, making him close his eyes as a reflex. "I don't know... maybe thank him? Yeah, I'll definitely thank him."

Matsukawa smiles. "You're too attached."

Hanamaki giggles, kissing his boyfriend's forehead. "But I love you."

Their sweet time is interrupted by a knock on the front door. 

"It must be them," Hanamaki excitedly says, about to stand up when Matsukawa stops him. He creases his forehead. "Why?"

Matsukawa attacks his lips, kissing him for about half a minute only to be interrupted again by the knock, he grunts. He had the urge to kiss his boyfriend and he didn't know why. 

"Hey Makki! I'm sorry to expose you but are you fucking in there? I'm just here to remind you we're still outside!" Sugawara yells from the outside.

Hanamaki blushes. "We really should go," he says before sprinting to the front door, leaving Matsukawa hanging.

The pink head opens the door for the couple waiting outside. "S-sorry, Suga. We kinda cleaned the place up first," Hanamaki lies. 

Sugawara raises his brow, not believing him. "Yeah, sure. Based on your swollen lips, you 'cleaned the place'."

Hanamaki blushes and glares at the gray-haired guy. "Shut up and sit there," he says, motioning his hand to the couch.

"Well, thank you very much," Suga laughs, strutting his way to the couch with his boyfriend, Daichi.

Matsukawa and Daichi nod at each other as a greeting, they weren't close in the first place, just rivals in the past and that's all.

"Now what do we do?" Hanamaki asks, not entirely sure what they would talk about first since honestly, he didn't actually plan for his goddamn project.

Sugawara smirks. "Let me handle this."


The four of them lay down on the floor, tired with their brainstorming earlier. They haven't even taken the actual photos but instead, they suggested ideas and possible locations. Of course, the two best friends namely Hanamaki Takahiro and Sugawara Koushi had to talk about random stuffs before going right into the business. Their boyfriends had to scold them before they stopped laughing and did some serious work.

"I think we're done with the planning. Tomorrow, let's take those goddamn photos and get this over with," Sugawara sighs, hugging Daichi which is lying beside him.

"What planning? You only blabbed about useless stuffs. Matsukawa did all the thinking for you," Daichi scoffs, placing his arm behind the gray-haired guy's head.

"Shut up, Daichi," Suga says, with his scary face and fake smile.

"Okay, boss."

Hanamaki giggles at the sight beside him. "You two are so cute but we're cuter. Right, Issei?" He tilts his head to look at Matsukawa but the latter is busy typing on his phone. Hanamaki's smile fades. "What are you doing?"

Matsukawa stops typing, looking to the pink head. "Oh sorry, it's just Atsu-kun. I totally forgot we have a report to write and it's due tomorrow. Would it be okay if he comes over? It'd be done in an hour or two."

Hanamaki tries not to pout. He honestly thought he could cuddle with his boyfriend throughout the day. He shouldn't have expected. And Atsumu, he hates him. Yet, he doesn't want to hinder Matsukawa's academic performance so he nods, smiling. 

"Alright. You could've told me you're busy. We can actually handle the planning."

"It's fine," Matsukawa smiles, kissing Hanamaki's forehead afterwards. "I got this," he assures. He then started typing back to his phone, probably sending a text to Atsumu to come over.

Several minutes later, someone knocks at the door, interrupting the couple's cuddle time with Sugawara and Daichi already sleeping at their spare room, probably tired for the day's work. Matsukawa carefully places Hanamaki who's half asleep on the couch before walking towards the front door. When he opens it, he's greeted with the familiar blonde and his gray-haired twin brother.

"Hey, sorry for tagging along 'Samu. I'm just scared to walk alone in the dark so..." Atsumu says, scratching the back of his head.

"Nah, it's fine. Oh anyways, you can come in," Matsukawa mutters, gesturing the twins to step inside.

Matsukawa and Atsumu immediately get into their business, namely their report. Meanwhile, Osamu sits beside the tired Hanamaki. He glances at the pink head, checking if he's already sleeping or not. When he confirms he's not, he opens a topic because he doesn't want to sit there and stare at nothingness.

"Hey," he calls.

Hanamaki's eyes shots up, looking at him. "Yeah?" he yawns, covering his mouth in the process.

"Do you have food in here?" Osamu asks. He is a culinary student, it's expected. He doesn't know what to pick as a topic except for food.

The pink head arches his brow. "You hungry? But you just got here."

Osamu chuckles. "Silly, I'm not. I assume you still haven't eaten dinner so might as well cook for you while I wait for 'Tsumu," he offers.

Hanamaki eyes him suspiciously. "You can cook?"

Osamu rolls his eyes in return. "Hell yeah. I'm a culinary student."

Hanamaki has to hide his face out of embarrassment. Well, he didn't know until today.


Sorry, kinda lame. And i know it's unusual for me to post an update at this time, I hope I didn't wake you up or what (I bet I did). What time is it there? Just curious and I also want to adjust what time I'll specifically post. 

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