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Matsukawa walks his way to Iwaizumi's unit. Due to the fact that he currently lives with Hanamaki, he can't record his song covers at home. Luckily, Makki is required to go to his parents' house every Saturday to probably check on him. The pink head had complained at how clingy his parents were but Mattsun scolded him for being rude. That pushed Hanamaki to agree with his parents' request or should he say, command.

Iwaizumi is the only one who knew his little secret and sometimes the shorter guy would even sing with him but he doesn't like it to be publicize. Because Oikawa would know him right away and he'd be fucking embarrassed.

Matsukawa fakes a cough as he walks inside the shorter guy's unit. He side glances Iwaizumi who's holding his phone, obviously having a video call with Oikawa.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you Hajime," he apologizes though there's a hint of taunting on his voice. "Hi, Oikawa. I'm stealing your boyfriend for a few minutes," he greets the brunette behind the screen.

Oikawa grunts. "Mattsun always being the party pooper. Why would you always come on Saturdays anyway? Where's Makki?" His forehead creases to a realization. "Wait, are you cheating on us? Iwa-chan I swear to God–"

"That would never happen. I mean yuck?" Matsukawa cuts him off. "We just have some business to do and!" He raises his index finger to the camera just so Oikawa could see. "Don't ever tell Makki or I'll kill you."

"Fine," Oikawa huffs then turning to Iwaizumi. "I guess we'll talk later and you know." He winks suggestively to his boyfriend who glares at him in return.

"Kidding! I gotta go. We have training today. Bye Mattsun! Bye Iwa-chan! I love you~" Oikawa blows a kiss then ends the call.

Iwaizumi sighs and puts his phone inside his pocket. "Fire it on," he says and smirks at Matsukawa.

The taller guy smirks in return and starts to discuss what he's going to sing and momentarily asks Iwaizumi for suggestions.


Hanamaki pouts as he watches some sort of movie with his parents. It's about to end and his mom promised him that he could go back to their unit after it.

"Mom, do we really have to finish this? Dad's already sleeping and it's freaking dark outside already," he complains.

His mom giggles. "Why are you so eager to go back huh? Got some things to do?" She wiggles his brows.

Hanamaki blushes a little but returns to his usual bored look. "Mom!"

She laughs at her son before yawning. "Alright, it's almost late. Take care out there, sweetie," she bids her goodbye and kisses Hanamaki on the cheek.

Hanamaki melts at this. "Bye, mom. You also take care with dad."

He stands up, waving goodbye and eventually steps outside their house. He dials Matsukawa's number and taps the call button.

Just a few rings and his boyfriend answers. "Yes, baby?"

"How's your day, daddy?" Hanamaki jokes, suppressing a laugh.

The other line goes silent and Hanamaki can hear a few minimal noises that he can't identify. He creases his forehead. "You aren't at home?"

"Just went out to buy some midnight snacks, baby."

Hanamaki giggles. "Oh okay. I'm on my way home." He starts walking to the bus stop.

"Stay there, I'll pick you up."

"No no, I'm fine, Issei. Just go home," Makki says.

Matsukawa hums. "Okay, take care, baby. Daddy's waiting," he chuckles then immediately ends the call just to tease the pink head.

Again, Hanamaki's teasing backfired. He blushes and starts to walk faster than normal. He didn't even notice that he already arrived at the bus stop and luckily, a bus had literally stopped in front of him.

He steps inside the bus and sits at a recently emptied seat. He pulls out his phone and earphones, plugging the latter afterwards. When he opens his phone, he is greeted by a new notification.

dreamyguy uploaded a new video.

one of my favourites. hope you'll like this.

Hanamaki smiles as he clicks play, leaning his head to the glass window and closing his eyes to feel his own kind of lullaby.


The door opens and a tired Hanamaki enters the room. He smiles a little when he sees his boyfriend already laying on his bed, reading a book.

"Hey baby," Matsukawa greets him, putting the book aside and standing up to plant a kiss on Hanamaki's pink lips.

Hanamaki just closes his eyes a little and smiles, too tired to respond.

Matsukawa gently holds his hand. "Where do you wanna sleep tonight?"

Hanamaki yawns. "Next to you."

The taller guy chuckles and gently pulls the pink head to his own bed and let him lay against it, lying beside him afterwards. He lets Hanamaki hug him until he could only hear his cute snores.

"My baby must be so tired," he says as he stares at the sleeping Hanamaki.

"Good night, beautiful."

With that, Matsukawa kisses his boyfriend on the forehead.


just some fluff for y'all. i was planning not to post something today but i just love u sm so- ❤️

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