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Hanamaki is fucking embarrassed.

That one sentence could never justify how he's totally mortified with what he and Matsukawa did last night. His cheeks are flushed red as he recalled the way his face probably begs for more. Apparently, after Matsukawa had given him a head, the taller guy only gave Hanamaki a kiss on the lips before saying,

"I know you're tired. Go to sleep, baby.   Good night."

What Hanamaki replied made him want to move out to the outer space and live outside civilization.

He replied, "B-but you're still... hard." Then he gazed down at Matsukawa's turned on crotch.

Matsukawa only chuckled and shook his head. "I'll take care of this. Now, go to sleep hm? Good night, baby." Right after saying that, he exited the room, leaving an unsatisfied Hanamaki.

Hanamaki facepalms at his actions and words last night.

"Stupid stupid Takahiro," he repeats, slapping his face.

Suddenly, the door opens revealing a half-naked Matsukawa. Hanamaki immediately shifted his expression into his usual bored one.

"Oh, you done?" He tries to sound and act normal.

"Yeah, I've already washed the stained clothes from last night–"

"Great! I'mma go take a cold shower," Hanamaki cuts him off, sprinting to the bathroom afterwards.

He left Matsukawa confused.

After his 'cold shower', Hanamaki has to accidentally do something embarrassing of course.

"Baby, can you pass me the garlic?" asks Matsukawa while preparing breakfast.

"Y-yeah, sure," says a still flustered Hanamaki. He hands over the garlic to his boyfriend.

"Makki, this is an onion," Matsukawa points out after receiving the onion that is supposed to be a garlic.

"Oh! Sorry," Hanamaki scratches the back of his head. He grabs a garlic quickly, giving it to Matsukawa.

"Thanks," his boyfriend mutters, giving him a suspicious gaze.

When they sit to eat their breakfast, Hanamaki goes silent. It's weird for him to be silent around Matsukawa so the latter tries to throw a question.

"Are you okay, baby? You seem to be out of it," Matsukawa breaks the silence.

"I'm f-fine," Hanamaki answers, looking away.

"Hanamaki Takahiro, you don't have to lie. What's the matter hm?" the taller guy asks, gently placing his hand over Hanamaki's.

The pink head's face reddens. He shuts his eyes before saying, "I'mjustembarrassedbylastnight."

He said it so fast but Matsukawa caught up. Finally aware of the reason behind Hanamaki's weird actions, he smirks.

"Why would you be embarrassed? Couples do it and we're not minors anymore," Matsukawa says nonchalantly.

Hanamaki opens his eyes. "Yeah, you're right... but..."

"But?" Matsukawa shifts his head to the side.

"But I was the only one who benefited from it. I kind of feel sorry... since you had to take care of that by yourself..." Hanamaki pouts a little.

Matsukawa only smiles. "It's fine. I can handle. Besides, there's still a next time, right? You can make it up to me by then," he suggests, winking.

Hanamaki blushes. "R-right."

With that, Hanamaki returns to his usual self. They talked about memes and how annoying Oikawa was before heading to the university for another draining day.


Matsukawa walks his way to Hanamaki's last class before lunch. Suddenly, his phone vibrates so he fishes for it inside his pocket. He clicks a new message that popped on the screen.

Coffee? Please don't ignore me. I just want to know you.

Matsukawa sighs. This sender is getting annoying. He had been receiving numerous texts from the unknown number Oikawa gave him for the past month. He politely declines everytime but the sender always insists. He told him he has a boyfriend already but the sender shrugs it off everytime.

Matsukawa tried telling this matter to Oikawa so that the unknown sender would stop but the brunette just shrugged, confessing that he didn't actually remember the owner of the number. For the reason he had met a lot of people on parties and literally everywhere. Of course, Oikawa would be no help, Matsukawa thought.

He types a reply and he swears this would be the last time he'll entertain the stranger.

Another reply pops up, Matsukawa reads it.

Just 10 minutes? At the coffee shop outside the unversity. See you.

Matsukawa angrily sighs. It won't hurt if he'll come right? He'll just have a brief talk with whoever the hell was the stranger and tell him to stop.

He decides to call Hanamaki. After a few rings the pink head answers.

"Issei? Why did you call? Did something happen?"

"Baby, hello. I'm sorry, something came up. Can you eat your lunch with Suga? I might be late but I'll try to catch up. I love you," Matsukawa says, hoping that Hanamaki won't mind.

"Really? Sure sure. I'll be fine. I love you too. I'll hang up now, okay? Don't forget to eat your lunch. Bye, Issei."

"Okay, see you later, baby."

The phone call ends, Matsukawa immediately walks towards the gate to finally end the stranger's endless texts to him.


When Matsukawa steps inside the cafe, he didn't expect to see the least expected person that would possibly be the sender.

He knows that the sender is from their university, mainly because he knows the place and all.

No, he can't be. This is just a coincidence.

He mentally shakes his head then proceeds to sit at an empty table, ignoring his suspected person. He decides to send a text to the stranger.

Where are you? I'm already here. Please don't waste my time.

Just then, a voice speaks behind him.

"Right here."

Matsukawa freezes. What the actual fuck. He's right.

The owner of the voice sits in front of him.

"Surprised?" he chuckles. "Sorry for dragging you here, Matsu-kun," Atsumu apologizes, flashing his grin.

"Y-you?" Matsukawa stutters.

Atsumu nods. "Sorry, I didn't tell you. It's just that I'm scared you'll distance yourself from me if you knew."

"Atsu-kun... you know I have Makki so why...?" Matsukawa mutters, looking at him, confused.

"I know, I'm so selfish... Sorry, I just like you so much. I wanted to be close with you but Makki is always in the way." Atsumu looks down, clenching his fist.

Matsukawa creases his forehead. "He's my boyfriend. Of course, he'll be with me most of the time."

Atsumu goes silent, still looking down.

"Can't we just stay as friends?" Matsukawa breaks the silence, sighing.

Atsumu nods. "Yeah right... I knew this would happen." He looks up to Matsukawa, eyes brimming with tears but he never lets it fall. "Yeah, friends."

"I'm sorry.  I can't like you back because I love Makki and I'll never replace him. You should've knew that," Matsukawa apologizes. He kind of feel bad because he knew how horrible it is to be stucked in a one-sided love.

"I- I understand," Atsumu mumbles, wiping his tears.


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