P4-Don't Worry, Be Happy {Naoto x Female Reader}

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Sighing for what seemed to be for the hundredth time, you gently set your pencil on your desk as students around you started getting up to talk with friends and eat lunch. You, on the other hand, stayed put in your seat as you took out your own lunch and started digging into the delicious food.

It was normal for you to eat lunch on your own seeing as you didn't have very many friends and tended to keep to yourself most of the time. You honestly didn't mind the loneliness but every once in a while, it'd get a little too lonely and quiet for your own liking.

As you quietly ate your lunch, you felt as if someone were watching you from afar which made you slightly uncomfortable. You shifted ever so slightly in your seat and continued eating until the sound of a chair gliding across the floor startled you. Another person's lunchbox was placed on your desk and you looked at the person whom had pulled the chair up beside you.

"Hello, Y/n-chan. Is it alright if I sit here with you?" The soothing, low voice of Naoto Shirogane interrupted your peaceful and tranquil thoughts in just a mere few seconds. The Detective Prince looked at you with hopeful grey eyes as she patiently awaited your response. Her presence was out of the blue and it was unusual for anyone to want to eat their lunch with you. Not able to get your voice to work, you nodded silently as Naoto let out a relieved sigh and took a seat at the chair she had pulled up.

Once she got settled in her seat, you continued to eat but at a nervous pace now that someone was eating with you.

Somehow, as if it were a superpower she had, Naoto could sense the nervousness and awkwardness emitting from you making it fuel her determination to get you to open up to others even more despite her lack in the skill of friend-making. In hopes of gaining you attention, she cleared her throat which caused you to almost choke on a piece of your food. Worried that she had done something wrong, Naoto let out a stuttered 'sorry' only for you to hold up your own hand to stop her.

"Naoto-kun, it's fine. I'm just not used to eating lunch with other people is all so, you've done nothing wrong." You said monotonously, phlegm clogging the bottom of your throat from the cold you were currently suffering from. She smiled in response and stared at her food before looking at you as if wanting to say something. And so she did.

"Y/n, why is it that you always eat lunch on your own? I've noticed you don't make an effort at all to sit with any others...." The blue haired girl gestured towards your classmates as you simply stared down at your food. You went quiet and didn't dare speak a word but Naoto wasn't just about to give up so easily. "It surprises me that someone like you is rarely seen with any other people. Perhaps it's just the social aspect of it all, or might it be something else entirely?" You stood abruptly slightly startling Naoto as you then started to put away your lunch in a hurry. Not even half of it was done yet.

"Please excuse me, Naoto-kun, but I'm not feeling hungry anymore. If you don't mind then, I'm going out for some fresh air." With that, you left the room leaving a gaping Naoto behind still at your desk. As soon as you left without another word, she titled her cap downwards and let out a sigh, abandoning her own lunch as well.

A group of nearby students caught the young detective's eye and she strolled over nonchalantly, striking up a conversation about you.

"Excuse me, but do any of you happen to know Y/n-chan at all?" One of the students piped up in an enthusiastic response.

"Yeah! Y/n would always hang around bf/n and those two would always hang around each other a lot. But then that thing happened with bf/n (best friend name) and now Y/n's been sulking ever since." Mentally noting the information that was being given to her, Naoto nodded.

"Thank you, and about the 'thing' you mentioned that involved bf/n, what happened?" she questioned.

"Well...it's not really my place to tell you what happened since Y/n can get touchy and sensitive about it sometimes. But she doesn't want anyone to pity her or feel bad so basically what happened was...." The student told Naoto what had happened making her eyes widen in surprise after hearing what you had been through. Naoto did in fact feel bad for you and now wondered why you had undergone such a painful change in your personality.

With a look of pure determination on her face, the cap wearing detective rushed out of the classroom trying to figure out where you would be.

On the Yasogami High school rooftop, you stared off into the distance as a silver haired boy and a girl wearing a green jacket sat nearby, chatting away. You paid no attention to them and continued swimming in your thoughts, the memories of you and bf/n all flooding back to you. Closing your eyes, you could feel the cool breeze softly slap your face in a calming way that almost made you fall asleep had a certain voice not called out to you.

"Y/n!" The voice was nearing you causing your eyes to flutter open as you spotted Naoto rushing towards you, a hand on her cap to prevent it from falling off. She came to a halt next to your side and caught her breath before speaking.

"Is it because of bf/n that caused you to change so drastically?" The words that came from her mouth made you stiffen and tense up visibly. No response came from you as Naoto once again waited patiently for an answer to arrive from you. When none came after waiting a few minutes, she decided to pry answers from you.

"It was because of bf/n's death that caused you to put distance with others, correct? And that's also why-" An answer finally came to your mind and you looked at Naoto with a blank look.

"You're asking me all this because you pity me for the painful past I had to experience, right Detective Prince? If so, you can go pity someone else who needs it and leave me the fuck alone." Naoto flinched at your harsh, cold words but she didn't let it stop her.

"That's not at all my reason I'm afraid." This made you stop and give her a "seriously' look. Nevertheless, you stayed put and listened to what Naoto had to say. "Everyday I see you alone while everyone else has fun with each other and you never make any moves to converse with anyone. I figured there had to be reasoning behind this because no one would just intentionally want to be alone." You took in her explanation and started thinking: it wouldn't be that bad if you tried making at least one more friend. After the events of bf/n, it had certainly left you feeling empty and monotone but now that Naoto was here telling you everything she knew, it felt as if all the black and white colours all around you were suddenly shaded in the withe colours of the rainbow.

Without really knowing why, you cracked a smile for the first time since bf/n left you and leaned closer towards Naoto, shyly wrapping your arms around her torso. It caught her off guard, making her face flush as she pulled her cap down lower in an attempt to hide it. You muttered out a quick 'thank you' to Naoto as the click of a camera could be heard from behind the detective. She let out a sigh.

"I'm going to murder Yu-senpai later."

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