P3-Stand with Me {Ken x Female Reader}

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An old man sat at the steps of the shrine while you held out a bottle of water to him pleading that he drink it. That was your grandfather, the only family you had left and he was slowly dying of old age. A mere few days ago was when you had found out that he was going to leave the world soon and it made you very sad. A little girl such as yourself shouldn't have to experience the things you have because it just wasn't right in the sense that children should value their young childhood and innocence. That wouldn't be the case for you seeing as you've lost most of your family and very soon, you'd be left with no one. For what seemed to be the hundredth time this day, he refused the water and continued to sit in silence as everything around you continued to go about its business.

The padded footsteps of a dog could be heard in the distance and you stood up, telling him that you'd be going up to the playground and that he should come get you once it was time to go time. He only smiled weakly at you as you headed up the steps of Naganaki Shrine towards the playground where you'd play all alone whenever Maiko wasn't there. You sat on one of the lower bars of the green cubed thing, as you liked calling it, and started swinging your legs back and forth as if it were a swing. It was how your grandfather had taught you how to swing on swings before when he was healthier and in better shape. The thought made you sigh and you continued swinging back and forth until the padded footsteps came running up to you.

"Koromaru, wait up!" The dog, an albino Shiba Inu, came running up towards you with his tongue sticking out barking happily as he jumped up preparing to land on top of you. This freaked you out causing your balance to be knocked off from the bars and you fell backwards onto the ground with a thud. "Koro!" Koromaru's owner, a boy who looked to be about your age wearing an orange sweater underneath his uniform, ran towards you and his dog with a worried look on his face. Groaning, you managed to prop yourself up on your elbows as the albino dog started licking your face.

You didn't mind it and a hand went to gently pat his back to show Koromaru that you enjoyed the affection.

"Sorry about that!" The boy rushed over and lifted the dog off of you and into his arms giving you a chance to stand and wipe anything off of yourself. You shook your head and told the boy that it was fine to which he sighed in relief and studied you for a moment before speaking, attempting a conversation with you. "So uh, I think it was your grandfather back there, he said that you might want some company.... I'm Ken Amada by the way and this is Koromaru or Koro-chan if you prefer." He kicked the ground waiting for a response and you thought for a moment. Of course, you didn't know him too well but he was in the same class as you and went to the same school as you, of course.

"It's fine, Ken. You really didn't have to listen to him, you know?" In response, Ken titled his head to the side and set Koromaru down on the ground where he could run around freely and explore. You spotted a bench nearby and decided to take a seat, inviting Ken over to have a small chat. The boy shuffled alongside you and kept you company in silence save for Koromaru's barks and footsteps. The silence was very normal for you seeing as whenever Maiko would accompany you she'd always be the one to start up conversations. Seeing as you and Ken barely knew each other, you stood up after taking in the silence and bid him goodbye, hoping to see him again soon. He didn't object and beckoned for Koromaru to come.

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