P4-You're On! {Kanji x Female Emo Gamer Reader}

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Requested by: Loki on Quotev

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Requested by: Loki on Quotev


With nothing left to do in the day on a Sunday during summer, you lay in bed for a solid five minutes before hauling yourself up and down to the kitchen to eat something. You had slept in as usual until around noon and then refused to wake up before forcing yourself to get up and do something. Your hair was a mess as usual and the (f/c) tips on the ends of your hair were starting to fade away.

Down in the kitchen, you found a bowl, some milk and some cereal and quickly ate a small lunch before crashing down on your couch, contemplating what to do next. As you eyed the living room trying to find something "productive" to do, they landed on your gaming console which you hadn't touched in forever and an idea came into your head. Jumping off the couch, you grabbed a controller and went to turn on the TV before yet another idea came into your head which involved getting a certain blonde haired delinquent.

Grinning from ear to ear, you pulled your beanie on top your head and pulled on your sneakers, heading out into the sunlight to head towards the all too familiar textile shop. Upon arriving, you let yourself in and asked Mrs. Tatsumi where your best friend Kanji was and she gladly pointed you in the direction of his room upstairs.

You headed up straight away and immediately found his room. Not giving him in warning, you walked right in scaring the living daylights of him before dragging him out by his arm which wasn't an easy feat for you seeing as he was much stronger than you thought he'd be.

"Hey! Whaddya think you're doing!" Kanji yelled as you continued dragging him towards your house. He hadn't been expecting a visit from you and though he was a bit annoyed at the fact that you had interrupted the completion of his latest sewing project, he couldn't help but wonder what you were planning since you always had something up your sleeve.

"You'll see, we're gonna test out your skills with a controller," you replied, grinning. Kanji rolled his eyes and went along with it until finally, the two of you arrived at your house. Being the nice friend you were, you allowed Kanji to enter first before you followed behind and directed him to the couch where one of your controllers lay.

"What, you want me to play video games?" He questioned as he took a seat on your couch, picking up the controller you had left on the couch earlier before going to pick him up.

"Exactly. 1v1 on Mario Kart because I need some bragging rights around here." You smiled and turned on the TV, grabbing the other controller you had. Kanji gave you a look but went along with it anyway as the game started and you were practically jumping up and down in your seat, hyped and pumped for the hundreds of matches that were to come.

"Okay, first few rounds are gonna start! Let's get this party started, Kanji!" Raising a fist in the air just as the first match was about to start, he scoffed and payed more attention to the screen.

"If you wanna win this first round and not be beat by me, you shouldn't take your eyes off the screen." He advised making you snap your gaze to the screen and you went into full gamer mode. Once you switched to your gamer mode, there was no getting you out of it until you were satisfied with your performance.

"Then let the games begin." You laughed and started pulling off all your best moves on the first round already. Though Kanji was able to keep up with you for the first few minutes, you were able to evade him and pull ahead easily, landing you in the first place.

Hours later and at least fifty, if not more, rounds later, you and Kanji were still at it playing Mario Kart until Kanji started complaining that his fingers were starting to cramp up because of how many consecutive hours you'd made him play of Mario Kart.

"Y/n, don't you think it's getting too late? We've already played too many rounds to count..." Kanji breathed as he watched you demolish him once again. One look over at him told you that he had had enough and that he was ready to leave and go home. In all honesty with yourself, you were tired as well but playing video games was one of your favourite hobbies of all time and plus, you weren't about to lose this new win streak you had.

"Oh c'mon Kanji, just a few more rounds please? I have a new record and I don't want anyone to beat it." You pouted and brought your knees to your chest so that your arms could rest on your knees as you leaned back against the couch to get a better angle of the screen, and for more comfort. He sighed and set his controller down.

"Look, do you know what the damn time is? You can continue playing this another time and beat your new record or whatever some other time." He scolded and made a move to take away your controller but you hissed at him and scooted away so that he wouldn't be able to take away your controller, even though the last match had already ended. "Then you leave me no choice." Confused, you watched as he got up and walked towards the TV and that's when you realised what he was about to do but alas, you were too late. The screen went black and you angrily threw your controller onto the couch while letting out a high pitched scream that hurt your throat.

"This is such an epic gamer failure moment! Kanji, how could you do this to me?!" Kanji shrugged and crossed his arms as he waited until you calmed down from one of your gamer moments that you had. Once you were finally calm enough, you cleared your throat and held up a hand.

"Need water now," you wheezed and headed towards the refrigerator to grab a glass of water.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have screamed so damn high." Kanji let out a low laugh before you glared at him and told him that if he ever did that again to him, you'd make him go dye his hair a bright pink colour to which he sweatdropped.

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