P4-The Detective Prince and His Princess {Naoto x Fem!Tsundere Assistant Reader}

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Requested by: Kasumi on Quotev  

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Requested by: Kasumi on Quotev  


As always, you entered the station as usual with the same positive attitude you carried around ever since you had become the assistant to the well known detective prince; Naoto Shirogane. You could still remember that day clearly and just the thought of it and looking back on it, it made you determined to do your best whenever Naoto had to go out and solve crimes. After all, being the assistant of the Detective Prince meant that you had to go out and assist her in solving them.

Naoto was already waiting for you once you had arrived and she gave you a warm smile before really getting down to business.

"Good morning Y/n-chan, it's a lovely day out isn't it?" Naoto glanced at you and awaited your answer.

"O-of course it is! Always is, Naoto-kun!" You beamed happily making her chuckle as she took out a folder filled with many different papers and documents. You knew exactly what that meant, since it was your job after all. It was time to go solve another case with your favourite ace detective.

"A new case was brought in earlier today that took place in Shibuya, Tokyo. It was an attempted homicide meaning the victim is still alive but they want us to investigate." Nodding, you waited for Naoto to start leading the way and you couldn't help but wonder what would be waiting for the two of you in Shibuya. Said bluenette made her way to the exit of the station and stopped when she was a few feet away from you, a small grin on her face.

"C'mon my trusty assistant, there's an investigation that's waiting for us." You crossed your arms across your chest and pouted, heat going to your cheeks.

"Hey! How many times have I told you-" Naoto let out a small laugh and gestured for you to join her seeing as you couldn't waste any time and so, you complied and huffed, walking over to her with a look on your face that made her laugh a bit more. Once you arrived at her side, she ruffled your hair a little and joked about how she couldn't have her loyal assistant slacking off on the first case of the day to which you playfully swatted her hand away. Since the two of you were about the same height, you decided that in return for what Naoto's been doing so far, you reached over and swiped her cap, placing it on your head as her cheeks flushed red from being exposed without her cap on.

"If you keep this up I'll have to find a new partner...." Naoto muttered under her breath just loud enough for you to hear as she got her cap back in her possession and from the tone in her voice, you could easily pick out that she was joking around with you.

"Whatever...but don't come whining back to me afterwards," you let out a grin. Eventually, you and Naoto arrived at the train station that was due to arrive in Shibuya and throughout the whole train ride, Naoto went over the details and what exactly went down with you as you listened carefully to every word seeing as once you arrived at the scene, the two of you would be tasked with figuring out the suspects and then narrowing down who was actually the perpetrator.

Upon arriving at the scene, you let Naoto go in first letting her do her thing before you followed closely behind, trying your best to figure out possibly solutions as you also listened to what Naoto had to offer. You always took your job seriously as did Naoto but sometimes the sights you'd see at the scenes would make your stomach sick to which the blue haired detective would chuckle and come to your aid, soothing you down as she playfully joked around at how you were a "rookie" which would end up in you denying it saying that you were better than that with a pout seeing as you were trying to act childishly mad at her even though deep down, your heart was pounding against your chest and heat would spread through your face.

Today was no different, minus the body, you were feeling fine with the sight of the few blood spatters that were present.

After what felt like an hour to you, Naoto was able to bring out a list of suspects with the help of the evidence and your brain put together. With that being said and done, she grabbed a hold of your arm and walked with you back down to the train station so that further analysis could be done back at the station. You could've sworn that at least one butterfly was fluttering in your stomach and you gently pried your arm from her grasp.

"I'm not a little kid, Naoto-kun, s-so I don't need to hold your hand like one." You huffed and she shrugged, ignoring what you said and instead holding your hand.

"I can't have you being lost here without my assistance now can I?" Naoto smiled and this time you didn't protest seeing as there was no way out of the situation and so you allowed her to hold your hand the whole way down to the train station.

"Naoto-kun, you know...." you started once you were on your way to the police station. She looked at you and titled it slightly.

"Y/n-chan, haven't you realised something?" Confusion washed over you as she chuckled. "You're really cute looking when you get annoyed at me whenever I tease you about anything." She smiled and slung her arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to her as you continued walking to the station. Now you wished that you had a cap like hers so that you could just pull it over your face to hide the embarrassment.

"S-shut it...that is not true at all...." The Detective Prince then ruffled your hair and placed her cap on your head to tease you further.

"It seems like my assistant will be needing a cap matching mine so that we'll be the Detective Princes." She nervously laughed at her own attempt of a bad joke and you punched her shoulder.

"You are very much a big bully for a famous Detective Prince."

"I know that. That's why I can't imagine having anyone else as my partner in solving crimes, you just make everything better." You looked at her in surprise only to see that a faint pink colour had decided to surface onto your partner's face and suddenly, it made you feel a bit better.

"Now I see why you're called a prince." Now that her cap was currently sitting atop your head, it was your turn to ruffle her hair and you rested your head on her shoulder, hugging her closer to you. Looking up at her from the position you were in, she titled her head as if to ask aloud 'why' to which you answered happily. "Because you Naoto Shirogane, are the prince of teasing his dear investigation partner."


>~< I apologise for going out of order for the requests but I really wanted to get this out before pride month ended and I also apologise for the 'tsundere' stuff I wrote for this oneshot, I'm not the best or well experienced with writing tsunderes so, sorry if it didn't turn out well....

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