P4-My Only Sunshine {Teddie x Reader}

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Requested by: GamerLizzy8421 on Quotev


Gloomy, dark, dreary, rainy; that was all it was today on the delightful golden week that was occurring. All you heard was the rain pattering against your warm and cozy house as you mindlessly watched it fall, doing your best to ignore your throbbing head from the headache you were cursed with. As much as you wished to do something fun while you were out of school for a few weeks, your headache prevented you from doing anything which annoyed you greatly. With a huff, you sat up on your bed and stared out the window with a frown.

You wanted to do something, anything to avoid having to sit in your room all day doing absolutely nothing but you had no idea what there even was to do what with the rain outside. Sighing, you brought your knees to your chest and rocked back and forth trying to think of something to do.

A knock from the front door downstairs brought you out of your thoughts as you wondered who could be knocking at the door when it was raining outside. You made an effort to get out of bed and walk your way down the stairs only to be greeted by an overly happy and cheerful Teddie wearing a bright yellow poncho.

"Good morning Y/n! Isn't it a great day today?" he smiled brightly at you as you let out a small laugh. Though it was dark outside, it seemed that the bear mascot of Junes somehow found a way to cheer things up in the slightest making a warm feeling overtake you.

"Teddie, you do realise that it's crummy weather outside right now, right?" With a bright smile on his face, the blonde nodded happily.

"I'm beary aware of that, N/n!" Seeing as you couldn't just let him stand outside in the rain all day long, you invited him inside and told him to leave his yellow poncho near the door to dry off before he could step any further into your house.

No one was home other than you and Teddie and you hadn't really planned for any visitors today and so, you sat down on your couch and turned on the TV whilst trying to think of something to do though your headache got in the way.

"So, what brought you here to my house?" You questioned him. Teddie smiled at you before going to give you a big bear hug which surprised you to no end and you didn't mind it at all but it caught you off guard, that was for sure.

"Yosuke said that I had to get out and do something so that I wouldn't be bothering him so I immediately came over to your house to see if you'd want some company!" Warmth spread through your cheeks at the thought of him wanting to spend more time with you and you quickly hugged him back before prying him off you so that you could have some room to breathe.

Glad that at least one of your friends was thinking about you, the pounding thing against your head only hurt more and more to the point where you couldn't take it anymore and you leaned against Teddie, resting your head against his shoulder as you muttered, "I have a headache and it hurts."

A gasp came from him as he brought you closer to him and you could feel the concern he had for you.

In an attempt to try and make you feel better, Teddie proceeded to softly pat your head and then softly ran his hand through your hair, pressing light kisses against your forehead and top of your head.

At some point, you felt sleepy and your eyes started feeling tired making you actually fall asleep whilst cuddling up against the bear and a few hours later, you woke up feeling refreshed seeing as sleeping helped rid of the horrible headache.

You could see that Teddie was still holding onto you, asleep as well but when you moved to get out of his grip, he stirred awake and brightened up the whole room once he was fully awake.

"Y/n! Are you feeling better? Is your headache gone?" Nodding to all his questions with a small smile, he cheered and brought you into another bear hug before pointing outside. "And look, the rain's gone away and it's not dark anymore!" You looked over to where he was pointing and just as he said, the rain had stopped and the sun was shining ever so brightly.

You could see the leftover droplets of water from before bringing a sense of happiness to you seeing as the weather cleared up a bit making it easier to do things outside.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was only around one in the afternoon and there was still plenty of time to spare and you looked at Teddie who had all sorts of happiness coming from him.

"Say, what do you think about going out to the Central Shopping District and just walking around? Since the weather's cleared up maybe we could even go over to Junes too, I'm pretty hungry and some food from Junes sounds really good right now. Or even Aiya diner would work too, what do you think, Teddie?" Without a word, he grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the door all excited.

"Well then, let's get going!"

To say the least, you and Teddie had a grand time grabbing a bite at the Junes Food Court before heading down to the Central Shopping District to wander around and you were glad that your dismal day had been turned around by the bright bear.


So sorry for taking long but it's going to take me some time because of school, sadly. >~< Although this oneshot was kinda short, I still hope you enjoyed it. :)

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