P5-Star of the Ice {Akira x Ice Skater Reader}

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Requested by: Katarakiki91

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Requested by: Katarakiki91


There was no better place to be than inside your house in the safety of your room where nothing bad could ever happen. Although it wouldn't stay that way for very long since you would be heading down to the ice rink soon to practice for an upcoming ice skating competition.

You let out a sigh and grabbed your backpack in which you kept all your ice skating gear in, zipping the pack up before placing it near the door to your room so you wouldn't forget it once it was time to leave for practice.

A sudden buzz from your phone alerted you that someone had messaged you and curiously, you fished your phone out of your pocket and checked. Sure enough, someone had indeed sent you a message and it was from none other than your good friend Ann Takamaki.

Ann: Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you'd like to join Ryuji, Akira and I at the ice rink later today? You know, to spend time with each other discussing study plans.

You: Sure, I guess. I was gonna head over there anyway for practice, we can meet up.

Ann: Sounds good, I'll let the boys know. :)

Smiling a bit, you put your phone back in your pocket and grabbed your backpack and headed downstairs to put your shoes on. The ice rink wasn't far from where you lived and so it wouldn't take you very long to arrive but you wanted to get some practice time alone before your friends arrived and so, you left your house and started walking towards the rink.

Thinking about the upcoming skating competition, you imagined yourself on the rink skating around gracefully doing the routine you had been practising for weeks now. The music you had chosen played through as the routine played in your head like a movie and before you knew it, you had finally arrived at the ice rink.

Once inside, you hurried to put your skates on and get out onto the ice to start practising before your friends came over.

First, you warmed up and did a few laps around the rink, seeing as it was practically empty save for the few people who were chatting away on the sidelines busy in their own conversations. Your feet glided across the ice as you then went into your routine starting out with the toe loop (toe jump) before going into a few more toe and edge jumps until you had finished.

Clapping could be heard after you finished and you turned your head around to see Akira coming up to the rink, resting his arms over what acted like rails. He had a small and rare smile on his face as the clapping soon subsided.

"Hey Aki, say, when did you get here?" you skated over to him and leaned on the rail next to him.

He shrugged before answering, "Long enough to see your amazing stunts. Since when were you so good at figure skating?" You rolled your eyes in response to his teasing.

"Since I was out of the womb obviously. I mean, you wouldn't know that since you don't know that I'm secretly a Phantom Thief and that I have a Persona who specializes in Bufu skills," you giggled and Akira just chuckled at all the sarcasm you had just thrown at him.

"No wonder you're good with ice," he grinned.

"Ann told me we were gonna hang out here and discuss some study plans. Let me guess, she and Ryuji are both running late?" Akira nodded in response and played with the fringes of his hair for a few seconds before adjusting his glasses. Of course, leave it up to Ann Takamaki and Ryuji Sakamoto to show up fashionably late so that you could have some alone time with the leader of the Phantom Thieves.

It wasn't much of a secret to the two blondes that you had taken a liking towards Akira but to anyone else it would just seem as if the two of you were just friends.

Friends. You had to constantly remind yourself of that word because you being your stubborn self kept denying the fact that you actually had the ability to have a crush on someone and that someone just had to be your good friend Akira which was just great fucking news.

As if on cue, Ann and Ryuji showed up just in the nick of time with mischievous looking glints in their eyes as they saw you and Akira standing next to each other.

"Sorry to show up late guys," Ann apologised and elbowed Ryuji in the stomach. "Ryuji over here couldn't tell time and decided to take a nap before heading here so he overslept his alarm."

"It's not my fault I couldn't hear the damn thing!" He protested earning a glare from the pigtail wearing girl. You just let out a laugh. Typical Ryuji, you thought to yourself, shaking your head at his silly antics.

"Now that we're all here, ready to skate and discuss those study plans you proposed, Ann?"

With a smile appearing on her face, she nodded and proceeded to drag the boys with her to the counter to grab skates for each of them and herself. As you waited for them to join you on the rink, you skated around doing a few laps before you spotted them struggling to get onto the ice, their skates on their feet.

You skated over to them and chuckled.

"C'mon, we haven't got all day. Get on the ice you slow pokes." You skated away and continued doing more laps, watching as your friends struggled to gain balance and move forward.

"Maybe we could actually move if we had some help and guidance," shouted Ann from the entrance to the rink with agreeing nods from Ryuji and Akira.

You playfully rolled your eyes and glided over to them.

"Oh alright, it'd be easier to break off into pairs since Ann, I know I've taught you the basics before so you should be able to teach either Akira or Ryuji, your choice." That was a mistake because you could practically see the smirk growing on her face as she quickly grabbed Ryuji's arm.

"In that case, I'll help out Ryuji and you can help out Akira." You were left dumbfounded with Akira whilst the two blondes skated away with satisfied looks on their faces though that was hidden by the fact that they had their backs turned to you. Sighing, you faced Akira and gave him a small smile.

"Ready to learn the basics of skating?" You extended your hand for him to grab and he took one glance at you before reaching out and grasping your hand in his own. Carefully, you guided him along the ice near the edge and taught him the basic movements to make himself go forward and he followed your every word though it was still hard for him to keep balance on the thin blades of the skates.

After he finally got the gist of skating on ice, you let go of his hand and let him off on his own to see how he would do without your guidance. Surprisingly but not so surprisingly, he did fairly well until he tried going at a faster pace which didn't end so well causing him to lose his balance and fall forward into you.

Your back hit the ice with a thud as Akira landed on top of you adding more weight than necessary.

Groaning, you tried pushing Akira off you and only succeeded in rolling him off to the side so that you could have more breathing space.

"Sorry about that, Y/n," he apologised and you only shook your head.

"It's fine, just don't go trying that again unless you want to end up on the ice again," you got up back onto your feet and dusted yourself off before proceeding to help Akira back on his feet. Though it was a bit of a struggle getting him back on his feet, it worked out and soon you were holding his hand again just in case if he ever lost his balance again.

"I could get used to this," the onyx haired boy suddenly said out of the blue making you recoil back in surprise.

"Used to what?" He looked down at your hands which were still holding his as he smiled a bit. You felt yourself growing warm even though the rink was supposed to be a bit cooler.

"S-sure...whatever you say...." Akira laughed and intertwined his fingers with yours.

For around an hour or so more, you skated around with Akira and attempted to teach him one of the more easier jumps you had learned early on which only resulted in him falling down again and dragging you down along with him.

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