P5-Kept Away {Ryuji x Female Reader}

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Requested by: Vincenzo santangelo on Quotev

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Requested by: Vincenzo santangelo on Quotev

Quick note: I'm no doctor or anything, I don't have a lot of knowledge on broken bones or legs and so the injury and treatments for Ryuji might not be accurate but I looked the stuff up so it shouldn't be that bad. Nevertheless, let's not let that get in the way of you enjoying this oneshot. :)


The door to the nurse's office opened suddenly and you quickly looked up to see who had entered. From your seat in the nurse's office, a boy wearing the standard track uniform and blonde hair limped in clutching his leg with a look of pain plastered on his face as he collapsed on a nearby seat. Eyes widening, you rushed over to him with a worried look on your face.

"A-are you okay?" you placed a hand gently on the boy's shoulder as he groaned out from the pain he was suffering through.

"The hell does it look like?" He leaned back in the chair, face all scrunched up still from the pain.

"W-what happened? Start there...." you quietly said but loud enough for the boy to say.

"My 'effin leg...it's...it's broken...hurts like hell...." Your eyes widened again. Never before had you needed to deal with a broken leg since most of the students who came down usually had minor injuries such as cuts or bruises, headaches and stomach aches.

Panic started rising inside of you as you tried to think of something to do to at least try and ease his pain and you immediately thought to first check his broken leg for any tenderness, swelling, or open wounds.

"Can I check your leg? I need to see if there's any tenderness or anything like that...." you spoke in a shy voice. The blonde haired boy didn't say a word and nodded. You took a look at his right leg which had been the one that was seemingly broken and proceeded to check on it and what you found was exactly what was expected.

There was the sort of tenderness in his leg and some swelling was on his leg as well. You figured that he'd need some painkillers to ease off the pain and you went to one of the cabinets to grab some of the medications, giving it to him as you tried to figure out the next few steps.

"O-okay, you do indeed have a very broken leg and the nurse's office doesn't have much here to treat that but, it'd help out a bit if you told me what happened...." Ever since taking the painkillers, the boy's groans of pain had subsided to a minimum and he was starting to feel a bit more relaxed.

"Yeah...alright. You see, I was at practice like I always am but...some shit happened and I got my leg broken," he let out a huff. You raised a brow and gestured for him to tell you how he got his leg broken and he let out a sigh. "Volleyball coach Kamoshida...." Your eyes widened as the boy trailed off and you immediately felt bad for him. You knew that your father was a bad man and that he would beat up his students but you never imagined that he would go as far as to actually break someone's leg. All you wanted to do was to cry out and apologise on behalf of your father for causing so many injuries but you had to stay strong and keep pushing through it all until it came to an end, whenever that would be.

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