P4-Time Together {Trans Husband Naoto x Tsundere Wife Reader}

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Requested by: Joshiko on Quotev

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Requested by: Joshiko on Quotev


With Naoto being a detective and constantly having to work all the time solving cases, he rarely had time to take a holiday and relax. Being his wife of course it bothered you that he couldn't spend that much time with you but you knew that it was his job and it was a job he couldn't lose.

This morning was no different than any other. Naoto woke up early as usual and got ready for work while you slept in later since you worked from home. At least, that's what you believed to have happened.

While you were still sleeping soundly in your shared bed, Naoto had in fact woken up early as usual but instead of getting ready for work, he was packing his bags and making breakfast for his lovely wife. It was one of those rare occasions where he was given a day off, a holiday to spend the day with you.

He had everything planned out; he'd gotten morning early tickets in advance and had planned everything for the day. All he needed to do was get you awake somehow without making you grumpy since he knew well that you hated being woken up early unless it was for a good reason.

Naoto finished putting jam on the last piece of toast and let out a sigh, smiling at the breakfast he had made for you and him. Now that he had gotten everything else done, he headed towards your shared room and gently leaned over to shake you awake.

"N/n, it's time to wake up now. C'mon my lovely wife, the sun is shining so brightly on this beautiful day," he whispered quietly to ease you out of your slumber.

You let out a groan and pulled your blankets closer around you, burying your face more into the pillow.

"Let me...sleep. Too...early...." you managed to mumble out. Naoto sighed at your cuteness and shook you once more, this time more forcefully.

"Get up now, Y/n. We've got a whole day ahead of us." He heard you softly snoring and decided to continue shaking you until it woke you up. And so he shook you, each time more forcefully until you rubbed your eyes and let out a yawn trying to clear up your vision. You saw your husband Naoto hovering over you with a small smile upon his face.

"Morning sunshine," he said as he walked away.

"Hey...Naoto...why is the sun not shining if it's supposed to be morning?" you asked, still trying to get adjusted to waking up. You weren't happy to be woken up by Naoto and especially seeing that the bedroom was still dark made you unhappy.

Naoto chuckled and turned around to face you, that smile still on his face. You frowned and let out another yawn before stretching, waiting for a response from him.

"It's only six in the morning! I think you'll be just fine for what's planned for today." Hearing those words leave his mouth, you felt your eyes almost pop out of their sockets when he said that it was six in the morning. Usually you'd wake up to your noisy and annoying alarm clock at around eight. Two whole hours of sleep lost! This man was about to regret ever waking you up this early without a good reason.

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