P3-Protector {Minato x Female Reader}

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Someone started shaking you awake making you groan out and wave your arm around the air trying to tell the person to buzz off. Alas, the person didn't stop and continued to shake you until you gave up and accepted defeat.

"Geese, I'm up now!" Opening your eyes you saw one of your dorm mates Yukari Takeba, hovering over you with a slight frown on her face which changed to a smile once she saw that you had woken up. The brunette girl helped you out of bed and left once she saw that you were fully capable of standing on your own. You didn't know why she had suddenly decided to wake you up so early but then you remembered that there was school today and hurried to get dressed in the Gekkoukan school uniform that you hated.

Downstairs, Yukari and the two others waited for your arrival. As you practically ran down the stairs, you were slipping on your jacket and upon arriving in the living room, you were greeted by them. Your brother, Akihiko Sanada had already gone along with Mitsuru Kirijo leaving only your best friend and the two new boys.

"Mornin'...." You saluted Yukari as usual and glanced at the unfamiliar faces that were probably the new members of S.E.E.S. "Who're these dudes? New guys or somethin'?" She nodded and gestured to the first boy who sported a baseball cap. He tilted it slightly downwards in a welcoming manner as Yukari started to introduce him.

"That's Junp-" She was cut off the by the boy who apparently wanted to and could introduce himself.

"The name's Junpei Iori! And what about yours cutie?" Junpei winked at you earning a glare sent in his direction as you huffed and looked over at the boy with blue hair, tilting your head in his direction.

"What about this blue guy?" As if on cue, the boy lifted his head to meet your gaze as he spoke with no emotion. His grey eyes looked almost dead, you noticed.

"Minato Arisato." He spoke monotonously and you nodded at his demeanor. Unlike Junpei, he was being more mature than the baseball wearing male and you respected that. You had a feeling that you'd learn to like him and that he wouldn't be as bad as Junpei and other possible new members. The brunette girl didn't need to tell you for you to know that the two boys you just met were going to be new members in S.E.E.S and that they had the potential. Nodding in satisfaction, you headed towards the door and waited for Yukari and the boys before walking out to the train station.

Gekkoukan High was quite a big school and you were glad that you didn't get lost on the first day seeing as how the hallways could be confusing. As you made your way to your classroom, you wondered what this year would hold for you. One thing was for sure; Akihiko would make sure that during the Dark Hour, you'd stay safe and that meant being babysat by either Mitsuru or himself. It was quite a pain to be watched over like some little kid when you were clearly a teenager and growing, but no matter how many times you promised to look after yourself, Akihiko wouldn't listen and only cared for your safety.

Taking a seat near the back, you waited for class to start and doodled on a piece of paper you just happened to have found in your school bag. The footsteps of Junpei and Yukari could be heard approaching your desk. A third pair, presumably Minato's, followed suit seconds later.

"It's you again! Yuka-tan, what'd you say her name was again?" Yukari shook her head and nudged your shoulder, making you lift your attention from your mindless doodling to the group of people gathered around your desk. With a slight frown and a twinge of annoyance, you responded nonchalantly.

"Y/n Sanada, and yes, Akihiko's my older brother if you were wondering." Your pencil started moving again, shading in the white space on your paper that was still visible as you waited to see if they would say anything else. Yukari already knew this but, from out of the corner of your eyes, Junpei's mouth had dropped wide and was about to say something (probably something he'd regret) before Yukari stepped on his foot earning a whine from him. Minato, on the other hand, had stayed silent with a neutral look upon his face. It surprised you how much emotion he showed for things and you wondered if he could show any others besides only a single one.

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