P5-Awakening Found {Mishima x Reader}

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Requested by: GamerLizzy8421 on Quotev 


The sudden ping from your phone made you brighten up seeing as you were currently in a bored state. It was Sunday, the only day you didn't have to go to school, and there was nothing for you to do on the fine day and so, you lay around on your bed scrolling through the internet waiting for some sort of message from the Phantom Thief group chat. That ping that came through on your device, almost made you jump out of your bed had you not felt so lazy in the moment.

Akira, the leader, had just sent out a group text to everyone saying to meet up at the meeting spot so that you could all get some Mementos grind on to level up, as you liked to call it. The message brought a large grin on your face as you hopped out of your bed and walked around a bit to stretch out your legs. As a member of the famous Phantom Thieves, you absolutely loved grinding in Mementos because it reminded you so much of grinding in video games that required you to level up in order to gain certain things, not that you thought being a Phantom Thief was all about the grind but it just so happened to remind you of that.

Contemplating on what to do as you waited for the time to come to leave your house and head over to the meeting spot, you, once again, laid down on your couch and started scrolling through the internet while waiting for the time to pass and for your boredom to cease. As you scrolled through at looked at the various pieces of news that was going around, some about the Phantoms Thieves, a new message came from one of your closest friends, Mishima. A small smile rested upon your lips as you looked over the message. Upon reading what he had sent, the smile was soon replaced by a frown as you read over what he had sent, saddened that you wouldn't be able to join him because of Mementos.

Mishima: Hey Y/n, want to join me down on Central Street in Shibuya? Got something to tell you....

You would've loved to spend time with him if only you weren't so determined to help out in Mementos. Being a Phantom Thief was practically a part time job for you that you would never give up. With a disappointed sigh, you responded quickly and hoped he wouldn't be too upset and that he would understand that you were sometimes busy. Maybe another time, just now wasn't the right and besides, what he had to tell you couldn't be that important, could it?

Pushing it all away, you lay around and waited for the time to come and sure enough, it did and you were out the door in a few seconds, speed walking down to the meeting place. You failed so miserably to notice the curious dark haired boy trailing behind you to see what you were up to. His plan had worked and all that was left to do, was find out if he was right. Wasting no time, he made sure he was well hidden throughout the entire time and hurried to catch up with you.

At long last, you arrived at the meeting spot and saw that everyone else was already there, waiting on you. Ann and Makoto gave you a smile of greeting and Akira whipped out his phone and checked up on something before getting everyone into Mementos. No one even noticed the extra guest that had entered in as the grind time started. Everyone hopped into the bus (Morgana, of course) and with Makoto at the wheel, you were off into the depths of Mementos to change the hearts of the bad.

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