P4-Mask of the Lonely {Teddie x Female Reader}

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Requested by: GamerLizzy8421 on Quotev


Lying on the cold hard ground was very uncomfortable for you especially when you didn't even know how you wound up in an unfamiliar place. Groaning and holding your head, you managed to sit up and look around at your surroundings. Nothing was familiar and it seemed that no one was around in the place making you scared. You got up and started wandering around aimlessly until a distorted voice caught your attention. It sounded like your own, the only difference being the distortion.

"They never even knew I existed. They'd always have their own little friend groups they'd talk to while I sat all alone with no one to be with. I'm always forgotten and it's embarrassing." An exact clone of yourself stepped out from nowhere with glowing yellow eyes and a solemn look, everything about your clone looked dead inside and out. You swallowed the lump in your throat.

"Who are you? And why do you look so much like me?" The other you let out a monotonous chuckle, an unnatural smile forming on your other self's lips.

"She's up ahead! Hurry guys!" The voice in the distance was vaguely familiar, too familiar. Ignoring what your other self was saying to you, you instead focused on the distant voice and wondered if someone was coming to save you which you hoped with all your heart that someone really was coming for you. At the moment, it hit you. The sweet, loving and kind bear mascot for Junes, Teddie was that voice. You'd recognise it anywhere because of it's uniqueness and the highness of the chords. You almost wanted to cry out and let them know that you were here but something stopped you. It came from the corner of your eye; your other self. Your other self made you feel weak, it was telling you things you kept hidden from others, the feelings that you kept deep inside of you refusing to let them come out. You weren't oblivious to having those feelings and knew they were a part of you yet refusing them is all you can do to maintain the facade you choose to show everyone.

You sank to the ground on your knees and let your other self tell you everything you've been keeping inside. Sooner or later, someone was bound to have found out. In the midst of all your thinking, you could barely tell when the cheerful bear had rushed to your side along with what seemed to be his friends or crew. It made you think about how you hardly had anyone compared to Teddie.

"N/n, are you okay?" His eyes were filled with worry as a maniacal laugh came from the direction of your other self. Mustering up all that you could, you stood up and glared at the shadow that was most definitely you. From the looks to the feelings it had, it was you through and through and there was no point in denying it.

"Oh look! Some friends for you to be with, but we all know that they're going to leave you sooner or later. After all, I'm just a lonely soul who won't ever have anyone to share life with, and all I ever wanted was for someone to want to spend their time with me. But I'm too afraid to go up to people and talk with them because I'm so lonely." A wicked but sad grin formed on the shadow's face as you frowned at the last part. True, that you were very much lonely but the fact that you didn't have enough courage or guts to break out of that loneliness...that, you didn't want to admit. That was the part deep down inside of you that you wanted no one to know about.

"That's not entirely true! If you really are me, then you'd know exactly that that's a lie so therefore, you aren't me!"

"Y/n, don't say it!" A female voice called out to you much too late, for your shadow had transformed into a monster that couldn't be very well described by your eyes. The transformation confused and stunned you and it made you feel weak causing fatigue to suddenly overwhelm you for what seemed like a split second before Teddie's voice brought you back. Though you couldn't see his human eyes, his bear costume made it very clear that he was still worried and he'd most likely pester you (in a good way) about how you were feeling.

"N/n...." You looked past him and say your other self with a pained look on its face as it watched you and Teddie. As if it had been some miraculous miracle, you were able to stand up and face the shadow once again, this time it would be done properly.

"You know, what you said was true it's just, I am afraid of reaching out to others so that I can rid of my loneliness. I guess you could say that I didn't want to admit those thoughts like I should have. Sorry I tried to push you away." Extending a hand, your other self gladly took it and turned into the true form of your shadow; your Persona. A tarot card appeared in front of you promptly before disappearing with a glass shattering sound effect. Something inside of you grew and changed and you started becoming tired and could barely stand.


Some unknown sweet smell made you awaken, realising that you were no longer in the awful place you didn't recognise, you sat up in a comfy bed and looked around. Correction; more of a sofa than a bed.

"Y/n, you're finally awake!" A blur of blonde and white flew past you and on top of you, smothering you with a big bear hug and only one could give hugs such as the one you were receiving. It brought a smile upon your face to see Teddie's face light up as you hugged him back. He then sat next to you as he called over the rest of his friends over, to which they were all glad and happy to see that you had recovered.

"So, care to fill me in on what the heck happened back there?" You questioned them. The boy with silver hair spoke up, most likely their leader from what Teddie's been telling you for the past few weeks now since you've met him.

"The Midnight Channel, whoever appears on television gets thrown into the TV and face their shadow in their own palace. It was pure luck that we were able to save you in time before you could've died." Your eyes widened when he said that. Any later and you would've ended up like that reporter chick or that high school student. Shivering at the thought, you leaned your head against Teddie's shoulder and rested like that while Teddie's friends filled you in on everything, at one point, the blonde boy rested his head on top of yours and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to bring you closer to him.

Once you were finally all caught up, the bear offered to escort you home, saying he wouldn't want anything bad happening to him. Rise, the idol who was a part of the Investigation Team as they called it, teased the boy before he dragged you out of Yu's house and onto the streets.

"Y/n-chan, I'm beary glad that I met a girl like you!" Teddie exclaimed out of nowhere with his usual cheerful voice as he was walking you home. Smiling in response, you found his hand and together you walked hand in hand with Teddie all the way back to your house. You talked with him along the way and he was sad once you reached your house but knowing how Teddie was, promised to see him again tomorrow.

"Teddie, I'm part of the I.T now so you'll get to see me more often now." He pouted and shook his head.

"I know that! But promise me that you'll start reaching out more, I didn't enjoy having to listen to what your shadow was saying!" Quickly, you brought him in for a hug and intertwined your pinky fingers together, it was a bit of a childish gesture but you could care less.

"Only if you're there to help me, Teddie."

"Oh, and you've got a persona now just like the rest of us!"

"Is that what those things are called?" He nodded in excitement and promised to tell you all about it tomorrow since you needed to get some rest and recover after facing your shadow. Once inside your house, you sighed and flopped onto your bed, glad to have someone like Teddie there to support you in what was going to come in the future of this investigation.

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