P5-The Boy Who Stole {Akira x Reader}

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"Ah, you're back." The sudden voice of Sojiro Sakura startled you since he rarely spoke while you were at his cafe. You've been a regular at Leblanc for a while now and you were used to the normal small talk Sojiro made with you along with the silence that was filled with you having your nose in different books. Along with those normal things, there was always the black haired boy with a cat in his bag (whom you've grown to know as Akira Kurusu) who would come to the cafe late at night.

Even so, Sojiro's sudden voice calling out to you caught you off guard making you lift your nose from from the current book you were reading to see who he was talking to. It was none other than Akira himself along with his cat Morgana. Seeing the two familiar faces, you sighed in relief and went back to reading your book while Akira was still standing near the door, focused on his phone.

You had the sudden urge to go, after nearly drinking two cups of coffee. You turned your book upside down on the table so that the cover was facing the ceiling, and stood up from the both you occupied alone.

"Hey Sojiro, can you watch over my book please. I need to use the restroom." The owner of Leblanc cafe nodded with a smile etched on his face as he kindly pointed you in the direction of the restroom. Silently, thanking him, you hurried inside and closed the door, making sure to lock it for obvious privacy reasons.

After checking through his IMs, Akira adjusted his glasses before he started making his way to the stair where his room was but as he passed by the booth you occupied, he couldn't help but notice something odd about the cover' a boy that looked almost identical to himself was plastered on the front cover of your book underneath the title of the book which he had trouble translating the title. Confused, he decided to wait for you and start up the small talk that he would usually do whenever you came to Leblanc, which was everyday.

As soon as you came out, you were slightly surprised to see Akira sitting across from where your book was, his eyes scanning over his phone as he waited for you in silence. Your soft footsteps caused him to look up from his phone and give you a gentle smile. Morgana, his cat, clambered out of his bag and sat with his tail swishing back and forth as you quietly took your seat across from Akira. Seeing as you were back, the dark haired male adjusted his glasses and set his phone to the side.

"Why am I on the cover of your book?" You blinked before looking over the book cover and comparing it to Akira until you finally understood what he meant and let out a small laugh.

"Silly goose, that's the main character of the book; Harry James potter!" Akira's brow furrowed in confusion before you went on. "Harry has dark messy hair just like you which would explain that and also the glasses. The only difference would be your eyes."

"What's wrong with our eyes?" He seemed lost and confused, totally oblivious to the book series and its main protagonist. You cracked a small smile at him and bookmarked the page you were on before starting your little rant about the book to which Akira intently listened in to, nodding along as you spoke to show he was listening.

Once you were finished, you took a sip of your coffee and stared at your book, fiddling with the pages before he spoke up.

"So that's why.... Y/n, is this book series-" You cut him off knowing full well of what he was about to ask and you nodded in excitement. He didn't need to ask any further questions to understand why she should start reading the series. When he rode the train to school, he'd make sure to have a copy of each book in the series to read. He made sure that a mental note was made to go to the bookstore later to pick up the copies.

A forgotten Morgana meowed loudly which gained your attention as you looked into his big blue eyes and smiled, reaching over to pet his soft head which earned a purr from him. Akira himself smiled at this small moment that was occurring and started up another small conversation with you. The rest of your night was spent talking with the male about random things and at last, Morgana meowed angrily to which Akira had a look of worry on his face and bid you goodnight.

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