P5-When Rain Falls {Akira x Shy Bullied Female Reader}

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Requested by: Distant Prism on Quotev (Hope everyone is doing well unlike me because I'm literally done with everything and I feel so dead lol)

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Requested by: Distant Prism on Quotev (Hope everyone is doing well unlike me because I'm literally done with everything and I feel so dead lol).


Once again you were being shoved towards a random locker during the passing period by a group of people known only as your own personal bullies. This had been happening for a few months now and at this point, you had just learned to get used to it and almost become immune to the pain they were causing you.

The bullies just laughed at you as they shoved past your figure which had recently been slammed into the lockers and they called out names as they walked away. You stayed silent as always, not saying a word until they were out of view and earshot before letting out a sad sigh sulking to your usual lunch spot on the roof.

Sitting down in your spot, you quietly took out your lunch and started eating your food, glad that you were able to hide away from others and your bullies. As you chewed in your loneliness, a breeze came through and almost instantaneously, you felt your whole body and mind start to relax as you closed your eyes to bask in the warm sunlight.

Voices from the other side of the door leading to the roof made your heart beat faster, fear overcoming you. You thought that they had found you and if they did, you would be afraid of what would come for you next.

The door swung open and out of reflex, you curled up against the wall you were sitting against and shut your eyes tight, bracing for impact from the people who had found you, your lunch clattering to the ground and spilling everywhere.

Instead, the voices stopped, and a shadow stood over you. At this point, you were ready to just tell them to hit you already, but a soft and kind voice spoke saying, "Hey." Confused by this, you opened one eye and towering over you, was a boy with dark messy hair wearing glasses that hid his eyes behind a massive glare in his lenses. Behind this boy, was another one with blonde hair whose hands were in his pockets.

The strange boy held his hand out towards you as if to say that he wanted to help you up. You opened both of your eyes to get a better look at him and immediately, you felt less scared seeing as the new boy wasn't one of your bullies. Yet, even knowing that he wasn't one of the people who constantly gave you crap, you were still skeptical since you'd never once seen him before.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked, his hand still extended out to you. Coming out from your thoughts, you slowly nodded and reached a hand out towards the boy, grasping it as he then hauled you up to your feet. Upright on your two feet, you couldn't bring yourself to look at the boy and resorted to staring at the ground where your feet were.

"Dude...think she's also part of the volleyball team? Maybe it's Kamoshida...." the boy with blonde hair spoke in a quiet whisper to the frizzly haired boy.

"No. It's something else," he paused and looked over at your figure that refused to look up. "Hey, what's your name?" The question caught you off guard causing you to finally look up and meet the eyes of both boys.

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