Chapter 4: Anything for You

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After the two boys had lunch, they went to the arcade.

"Wow, is this a date?" Dream joked as they entered the arcade.

"It is if you think it is." George rolled his eyes. "It's just that... I've been sulking too much, and it's affecting you. I want you to enjoy today."

"Oh... Thank you." Dream suddenly felt the rush of butterflies in his stomach again. But he decided to push it back down. He wasn't ready to accept it yet. But he sure is trying to think about it. "I am enjoying today."

"Save your thanks for later. We still have so much to do." George smiled. "Hey, let's try out that claw machine, for good ol' cliché days."

"The old days?" Dream questioned as they approached the claw machine.

"We often come here with Sappy Nappy and Muffin head Bad to take a break from YouTube." George began. "Some times Skeppy would be there too. It was just us and the boys. The Boy's Night."

Dream softly laughed. It was enough to make George smile.

"Do you want me to try first? I believe you have forgotten how to play this game?" George joked, earning a scoff from Dream.

"Oh? Is that a challenge?" Dream smirked.

"You are such an idiot." George rolled his eyes at Dream, but a small smile crept on his face. George missed this. He missed this side of Dream. Competitive and a stupid idiot.

Then George started to play the game. But he kept failing every time, earning a teasing laugh from Dream. But ever so determined to get the rainbow llama plushie from the claw machine, the two continued. They started to switch with each other, trying their ways to get the damn plushie. George was the one controlling again while Dream was trying to instruct him on what to do.

"Like- oh- Uh- We need to- uh- we need to like-" Dream stuttered as he tried to think of a strategy to get the plushie. They have come close before, and he was trying to think of what went wrong. He tried to look at the angle from the different sides of the claw machine.

"I don't care." George simply stated. He was getting impatient and annoyed. He decided to push the button that allows the claw to go down.

"Hey- no, no, no no, no--- Don't go-!" Dream watched in horror as the claw went down to grab the llama plushie. The metal claw was able to get the llama in its grasp. But eventually, the llama plushie slipped out. "Pfft---- Hueeeeeeeaaaaaagghhhhhh- hAAAAAA"

There it was: Dream's iconic tea-kettle-wheeze.

George couldn't help but forget his irritation as he let out a smile. Dream's laugh was contagious. Though, it did earn some weird stares from strangers.

"I'm so light-headed! I just laughed so hard!" Dream rested his hand on the claw machine for balance. He slapped his knee as he couldn't contain his wheezing. "You were like- Let's go! I don't care! And you just dropped it, and you failed!"

Dream continued to laugh some more, and George couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"Whatever." George scoffed through his laughter. "Come on. It's your turn."

"Now, let me show you how to play this game." Dream finally stopped laughing and switched with George. He was focusing so hard for a few seconds, and finally, he pressed the button. George watched as the claw take the rainbow llama plushie to the prize box. "Yes! Yes! I am the best! I'm so good at games!"

George just rolled his eyes at him. Nonetheless, he was impressed. Dream bent down to take the prize, but as he touched the plushie, that familiar ache appeared again.


"Clay! You did it! You got it! YOU GOT THE CAT." It was the voice of an angel again. His caramel eyes lit up like fireworks. "POG!"

"Yes! Praise me more!" Clay raised his fist in the air in victory. On his other hand was the cat plushie.

"That's amazing, you muffin head!" Another familiar voice joined in. It was Darryl.

"I wanted the panda!" Nick complained. "Clay- Dad! The panda!"

"Get it yourself, Sapitus Napitus. This cat is mine!" George beamed.

"Fuck you, George!" Nick playfully responded as he laughed.

Darryl let out a sharp gasp upon hearing such foul words."LANGUAGE!"

"Bold of you to assume, I'm going to give it to you, George." Clay teased.

George let out a hurt gasp as he dramatically placed his hand on his chest. "Clay, how could you!"

Clay let out a wheeze. "I'm just kidding- I'm just kidding! Anything for you, Georgie."

George blushed at his nickname given to him by Dream. Dream just gave him a big smile as he handed him the plushie.



Dream felt a gentle touch on his shoulder. He flinched as he was taken back into reality. He was crouching down with the llama plushie in his hand.

"Are you alright?" George asked. His face looked worried. "What's wrong?"

"Oh um-" Dream immediately stood up. "Nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You looked like you had another headache like before." George said, his eyebrows furrowed. "Should we go home and take a rest?"

"No, no. I'm okay." Dream nervously laughed. "It's just that--- here, the plushie. It's yours."

George felt his face become warm again. "But you won it."

"You don't want it?" Dream teased. George scoffed at him but with a smile.

"Even if you didn't give it to me, I would have still stolen it from you." George grinned.

"Anything for you, Georgie." Dream replied as he offered the gift to George like a prince.

George's eyes widened as he heard the nickname. Dream hasn't called him like that since the accident. Gosh, he missed it so much.

Seeing the surprised face of the older boy in front of him, Dream couldn't help but giggle. "You're doing great. I'm slowly remembering."

George accepted the llama with a huge smile on his face that was painted pink. Dream would tease him about it. But George won't notice the pink shade anyway. So Dream just stood there admiring the beautiful person in front of him.

Maybe it's not so bad to look at George after all. Especially with that pretty smile, perfect nose, sparkling eyes, seductive eyelashes, symmetrical eyebrows, pink cheeks, porcelain skin, soft lips-






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If you haven't noticed, I was trying to avoid using bad words. I am basically like BBH in real life in terms of being against swear words. But yes, I have accidentally cursed before.

I still decided to include the swear words. Because I think It just feels natural for the characters in this story. At least I'm not saying it out loud. Should I censor it like th*s?

But I still discourage children from swearing! Keep your innocence- you muffin heads!

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