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Y/n woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. She reached over to her nightstand and shut off the incessant ringing. "Thank God it's Saturday.." She said as she threw the blankets off of her body. She glanced out of her window to see her neighbor through his window, right across from hers. His name was Tommy, she'd lived next to him for as long as she could remember. While they'd been close friends when they were younger, they're friendship never continued and she hadn't talked to him in years. She quickly glanced away as he turned and made brief eye contact. She felt slightly embarrassed that she'd been staring, but she shook her head and the feeling departed.

Y/n walked downstairs into the kitchen to find her parents enjoying their morning coffee with some eggs. "Morning Mum. Dad." she said as she walked over to the fridge. "Morning Y/n, your mum made some eggs. Want some? They're still hot." She closes the fridge and walks over to the stove, quickly grabbing a plate out of the cupboard. "So any plans for today?" She asks as she scoops some eggs out of the pan. Her mum hummed, "Yeah, your dad and I are going to the festival in Brighton. And we won't be back till tomorrow so you'll be on your own for tonight." Y/n frowns a little. She sits down across from her mum at the counter. "I thought we were all going to the festival?" She says dejectedly. Her mum nods. "We were, but I looked into it more than I had before. And it's 18+ only dear. So we can't take you." Y/n looks sadly down at her eggs. "I understand, you guys have fun then." She says as she began to eat.

Y/n ate quickly and retired back to her room as her parents got ready to leave. She went over to her computer and began playing Minecraft. Watching the world load before her. She was starting to build a house when a knock came at her door. She paused and turned in her gaming chair. "Yeah?" She called. The door opened to her mum, "Hey, we're heading out. Before we go, I want you to hang out with the Simons next door. I don't want you playing too long on that." Y/n sighed. Her mum gave her a look. "Y/n I know for a fact that if I don't say anything you'll sit and play for days. I've already told Mrs. Simons you're going over sometime today, so don't skip it. Goodbye, we love you. See you tomorrow.." Y/n groans as she heard the front door shut. "Fuckin hell...." she mutters as she turned back to her game.

Eventually Y/n shut off her computer and made her way downstairs. Y/n opened the fridge and pulled out a coke, cracking it open and gently taking a sip. "Mmmmm. That's good shit." She says as she takes another sip. She looks at the time and realizes it already 2. "I better head next door then..." she says to herself as she walks upstairs, drink in hand. She picked out a nice pair of skinny jeans and a cropped sweater. Smoothing out the fabric as she walked towards the door. She grabbed her phone from the counter and walked outside, taking in the fresh autumn air.

The leaves had just begun to fall, scattering themselves on the sidewalk. Y/n quietly hummed to herself as she walked the short distance from her door, to the Simons'. She fixed her hair quickly before knocking 3 times on the white door. She waited a minute or so before the door opened. "Hi Mrs. Simons!" Y/n said with a smile as the woman appeared in the door. "Y/n! It's been such a long time since you've come over! I was so happy when your mum called me earlier saying you'd be coming over." Mrs. Simons ushers Y/n inside. She looks around the entryway, things had obviously changed from the last time she was there. "Yeah it's been quite a few years hasn't it?" Y/n says as she takes her shoes off and places them on a rug by the door.

Y/n follows Mrs. Simons into the kitchen where a couple bowls are laid out on the counter. She gestures to them as she passes them. "Help yourself love. Crisps, candy, and some fruits too. I think Tommy's streaming right now, but i'm sure you two can hang out for a bit when he's done." Y/n smiles as she picks up a random piece of candy from a bowl. "I can check right now." She says as she pulls out her phone. She opens up twitch and checks Tommy's page. His icon showed offline. "Twitch says he's offline Mrs. Simons, so i'm gonna head upstairs." Mrs. Simons nods and smiles as Y/n stands and walks towards the stairs.

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