Chapter 6: The "Date"

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Miles's POV:

I woke up, seeing the crazily bright sunlight refract from my blinds. I woke up, realizing it was a Friday, meaning I was going home, free of school.

I started to pack my things after school and waited outside for my dad. He then pulled up in front of Visions, and I came in the car with my heavy stuff. 

"Hello, Miles. How was your week?" Dad asked as I buckled myself in. Mom was in the front with Dad, me being stuck in the back. 

"It was fine." I felt my phone buzz and as I strapped myself into the seatbelt, I checked it and got a text from Gwen, (I changed her phone number name)

Crush❤❤: Hey.

She was pretending like nothing ever happened last night, and I was cool with that. She scared me to hell and back.

 Hey, don't go to Visions today, I'm not there.

Crush❤❤: I know that already.

Oh right, I told her.

I mentally slapped myself as I rode in the backseat home and before too long I reached home. Before I could go into the kitchen to make myself a snack, my dad called me.

"Miles, come here," Dad said as he beckoned me over.

I went to my dad, and he handed me something in a box. "You'll need it sooner or later." I opened the box and almost died of embarrassment. I feel my face heat up and I give my Dad a death glare.

"What? You're eighteen for god's sake, it'll happen eventually!" Dad said as he walked off. I went into my room and I kicked the box under my bed. Just because my dad was an officer didn't mean he had to be an asshole about it.

"Whatcha doing, Einstein?"

I jumped and saw Gwen standing there in a t-shirt with some jeans with a jacket tied around her waist. 

"Hello to you too, you scared the hell out of me," I said.

"I know," Gwen said as she sat on my bed and grinned. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her. 

"You know, you scared the fuck outta me," I say as Gwen smirks.

"You said that already. I know, It's a talent," She says, waving her hands around in the air like she was bragging. I roll my eyes playfully. 

It was quiet for a second before I broke the silence.

"Want to swing? I'm sure you're bored." I say, looking straight at her blue eyes.

"Sure. Maybe we can find somewhere to eat, I'm starving. But you're buying." Gwen said as she smirks and starts to take off her shirt. 

Wait, what is she doing?!

I quickly look away and heard her slightly laugh.

"You can look now, Einstein."

I looked and saw Gwen in her suit. "Always have it underneath. You should too. You never know when danger can strike." Gwen said, looking at me with a quirky look as she pulled her mask on. 

I rolled my eyes playfully and went into my bathroom to change into my suit. When I was ready, we both jumped out of the window and started to swing. I looked over at Gwen as she kept swinging.

She's so graceful when she swings, those ballet shoes match her suit... I wish we didn't have to cover our faces, she's so gorgeous when she smiles, that gap in her teeth-

My thoughts were interrupted by my face colliding straight into a street pole. I hear Gwen laughing as I landed and tried not to fall. Gwen stopped laughing and gracefully landed on the floor onto her toes.

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