Body Switch

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I was walking over to the dining hall with Kyoko. We did not say anything to each other while we were walking. Once we reached the dining hall no one was there.

Kyoko: Let's just go sit down.

Makoto: Sure!

We walk over to the table and sat down. Then all of a sudden *CRASH*. I blacked out. W-Was I dead? Then I woke up a few minutes later.

Makoto: Hey Kiri, are you ok?

Kyoko: Yeah...I am f-fine. W-Wait? Makoto, why am I in your body and your in mine!?

I look down at my hand and I see that I was wearing gloves and my hair was longer. No no no no no! This cannot be happening.

Makoto: N-No! Why do I have to be in a girls body?

She giggled a bit and I did as well. I then look down at my hands. I look back up at her and she gave me a glare.

Kyoko: Don't even think about touching those gloves. Now we need to figure out how to switch back.

I looked around and I found a shatter can. I went over to it and there was a letter next to it.

Makoto: Hey Kiri! I have found something. Wanna check it out.

Kyoko: Sure.

She walked over to me and she grabbed the letter right out of my hand. Then she read it out loud.

Kyoko: In order to switch bodies, you must confess your secret love interest to each other. Or you will have to kill a person.

Makoto: So, we have to tell each other who we like, hmm.

Kyoko: W-Wait we have to tell each other of who we like?

I saw Kyoko getting flustered. That was unusual of her. Was it because of the body swap? Wait! Why am I thinking like Kyoko?

Makoto: Hey, don't you think having to do with the body swap also made our emotions change up a bit?

Kyoko: Yeah, maybe. You do think like me which is odd? You also have that poker face on. Is my facial expression that bad?

Makoto: No! Kiri your face is beautiful. You even smiled to me before. It's quite cute.

I then saw her blush badly. I giggled a bit knowing she was in my body and now her emotions show really badly.

Kyoko: Beautiful! C-Cute?

Now I could tell I was blushing a bit. For me it was hard to show a ton of emotions like how Kyoko was now.

Makoto: Just forget what I said, please?

Kyoko: Right! Now I wanna hurry and get out of your body. Your emotions are so scattered.

Makoto: And your emotions are tight packed. Like they never want to show themselves. Unless you show them around your crush?

Kyoko: Whatever. So do you want to tell who your crush is to me?

I froze. I don't want to tell her I have a crush on her. Then things would be weird since she is in my body and I am in hers.

Makoto: I-I can't.

I then felt her grab my hand. Which technically would be my hand.

Kyoko: I won't judge you. We are in this together.

I sighed. Then looked back at her.

Makoto: Can I go take a shower first?

Then I just realized what I said and jumped. I look at Kyoko and she was blushing even more.

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