My Dying Wish

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Great, I wish we were never here again. The trial for who killed Mukuro Ikusaba, the ultimate soldier. I just hope everything turns out well. But could Kyoko be the killer?

Monokuma: Ok kids let's get started with this trial. Who is the guilty party here!

They debate went on for a while. Then I heard Byakua say something which I hope was not true.

Byakua: Kyoko Kirigiri is the killer. There is a key under her bed that leads to the weapon where she hid it.

Kyoko: Sorry to disappoint but I could not get into my room. You out of all people should know this.

I look over at Byakua with a shock look on his face. Then I realized Kyoko was...lying! I know how she could of have gotten into her room.

Makoto: Wait! Kyoko there is a other possibility that you could have gotten into your room.

Her face went cold. I could tell I caught her lie in this. Byakua looked at me and spoke.

Byakua: Well...spit it out already!

Do I want to say her I trust her! I believe she cannot be the killer.

Makoto: I-I forgot. Sorry.

Byakua: Does anyone else have any evidence?

Everyone was silent then I heard Monokuma spoke. I was terrified at what he said.

Monokuma: Ok times up! Let's give it everything we got. Who is the guilty person. Vote vote vote!

Makoto: W-Wait we need more time!

Monokuma: Sorry too late!

Kyoko: Wait wh-what do you mean too late!?

Monokuma: You guys took to long to arrived. So sorry to bust your bubble sweat heart.

I slammed my fist down and yelled at the bear.

Makoto: We need time to decide!

Monokuma: Cast your vote ladies and gents!

Everyone casted there votes and everyone voted...Kyoko! I voted myself because I wanted to take the fall. After all I her. I know she is. Not guilty.

Monokuma: Yes the killer is Kyoko Kirigiri!

Makoto: Wh-What! This is a sham.

I looked over at Kyoko her face looking at the floor.

Kyoko: Th-This is all a set up. I know none of us killed. If I need to say s-

Monokuma: Sorry but it's punishment time!

Makoto: NOOO!

Then the bear pressed the button and I was yelling for the bear to stop. I hurried and wrote a note down and gave it to Aoi. I saw Kyoko get latched into a chair. I could not watch this...I don't want her to die. She deserves more than this. So I climbed over the gate and ran over to her. I detached her from the chair before Monokuma could see me. Before the thing could crush her I pushed her away and then darkness. I hope she can now live happily with the others.
                                    KYOKO POV

Makoto detached me from the chair before I got crushed. Instead he then pushed me away from getting crush and it lead to him...dying. Blood splattered everywhere.

Kyoko: M-Makoto, why?

Monokuma: How dare he ruin this fine institution! Well it does not matter anyway. Everyone back to your dorms.

I just stood there shocked at what happened. I fell to my knees and put both my hands over my face crying. Why...why did he save me? I then felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and see Aoi with a gloomy face.

Aoi: Hey, Kyoko you want to talk?

Kyoko: S-Sure.

She took me over to her dorm. I walked in and she let me sat on her bed while she went to sit on a stool.

Kyoko: So, what is it y-you want to talk about?

Aoi: Makoto wanted me to tell you something. Before he climbed over the gate to save you.

I was shocked a little at first then Aoi pulled out a piece of paper. She looked like she was about to cry but tried to hold it in.

Aoi: H-He wanted me to give you this. I am going to go shower now. Be right back.

Aoi headed off into her bathroom and I opened the note. I saw how the handwriting was a little messy. Looked like he rushed himself a bit. Then I read it.

Dear Kyoko,

I am sorry for what I am about to do. Please forgive me. I did not want to see you suffer like that, that stupid bear was unfair and did not give us time. When I saw the others vote for you I shock. I never wanted you to die...I love you. I never got the chance to tell you since you were busy and you told me how the truth comes first. But I am sorry for leaving you alone...but I told Aoi to make sure to keep you company during investigation. Just know it is not your fault and please have hope. Don't ever follow into despair. I love you and always will. Your the best girl I could have ever met. Your smart, funny, and your smile is so cute. Just promise me to stay on hopes side and to always smile around our friends. I love you so...get out of that killing game for me!

Makoto Naegi

Kyoko: H-He loved me. Even how cold I was and put him through so much.

I cried. I can't believed he did all of this for me. He even respected how I worked and I just threw him away. Then Aoi came back out of the shower. I looked up at her then two seconds later she hugged me.

Aoi: I know it's hard losing him, besides I knew you had a crush on him as well.

My cheeks started to turn pink a bit and I asked her this.

Kyoko: H-How did you know?

Aoi: When your always with him I noticed how you almost take off your gloves. You said that only people who are family you would show to.

Then I could tell my face was now red. Aoi started to giggle.

Aoi: But hey. Let's get out of this killing game. But I want to say sorry.

Kyoko: For what?

Aoi: F-For voting you. If it weren't for us th-then Makoto would not been dead nor you!

Aoi started to cry a little then I hugged her.

Kyoko: It's not your fault. It's that stupid bears fault.

Aoi then smirked at me then giggled again.

Aoi: You are now sounding kinda like him too.

Kyoko: I-I guess he has grown on me. I will cherish for what he did for me. And the rest of you.

I look down at the letter and teared up a bit more. Then I whispered to myself, "Love you too M-Makoto."

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