Let me ask you all a question XD

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Hey peoples it's me! Your dumb crazy love invested writer. Just call me Vio. So I wanna ask you this dumbass question about Naegiri. Who would be bottom and who would be top. NO FIGHTING IN THE COMMENTS BECAUSE ITS PEOPLES OPINIONS. Also because I am interested to see in what majority of what people think so I know what to write to hook people in. Now comment now and tell me who in the Naegiri ship is a bottom and who would be the topper. Personally I think both of them are bottoms basically but Makoto would likely end up on top. Since Ms. Kirigiri has trouble showing her emotions around people. When she is close to someone AKA Makoto she obviously will show signs that she likes him but hides it. As for Makoto, like Kyoko said in the game, "Your a open book." He is more likely to show emotions besides Kyoko so I thought in my other book that they are kinda both bottoms lol. One gets flustered easily and will show it and the other does not know how to show much emotion about this and is not use to this stuff (Well same goes for Makoto). So both are technically new but Kyoko has a hard time showing it while Makoto is all giddy yet can be a charmer. Like for instance when he helped Sayaka up in Danganronpa Despair Arc. He called her butter cup (Yes Naezono ship if your reading this I give you respect too lol). But I am giving an example here that Makoto can be a charmer. Soooo yeah. Now tell me who you think is the person on bottom and who is on top. XD

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