NightMare Terrors

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Sayaka: Makoto, I thought you promised to get me out of that school?

Makoto: I-I...

Kyoko: Why are you still alive Makoto.

Makoto: I-I never wanted hurt anyone!

Kyoko and Sayaka: It should have been you instead of us. Kill yourself Makoto.

They kept chanting to me to kill myself. I was broken in tears knowing the person who was closest to me and the other to be my girlfriend both chanting this. Then I was flashbacks of their deaths. Over and over nonstop.

Kyoko: Your still alive. Why did you not sacrifice yourself for my sake?

Sayaka: Yeah right like he would do that. He is so heartless. You should have saved me from getting myself killed.

Then they said more stuff and I was just so broken. All of a sudden I woke up from my dream and started crying. All I could think about is their deaths, I could have saved them both. Luckily Kyoko lived. But if there was no pharmacist around she be...gone. I was in a panic now to know if Kyoko was ok. So I jumped up and ran to her bedroom. After all we are roommates. Just we don't share the same bed because we thought it be a little bit awkward. Once I got to her bedroom I knocked loudly on it. Then the door open and I immediately hugged Kyoko making her fall back a little bit. I was crying into her shoulder. I saw a little shock from her face because this is the first time she has seen me cry in so long.

Kyoko: Makoto, what's going on?

Makoto: I-I am so sorry.

Kyoko: For what exactly?

Makoto: That I could not save you, that I just stood there and did not do anything. It was my fault.

Then Kyoko knew what I was talking about and led me over to her bed and we sat next to each other. I hugged her again crying even more.

Kyoko: You don't need to be sorry about that. Besides, I probably would go bezerk without you if yo-

Makoto: I should h-have been the one to taken the fall.

Kyoko then cupped my left cheek. I was a little started by this. She then wiped some tears away and spoke.

Kyoko: Never ever say, you should have been the one who should die. Plus why are you getting this idea. I-

I cried even more tears then ever. About that dream of what she said that felt true.

Makoto: I-In my dream...y-you said I should h-have been the one t-to die. A-Asking me why I am s-still alive!

Kyoko then grew even a more shock expression. I never told her this story about seeing the brain washing and now it was my worst nightmare.

Kyoko: I would n-never do that Makoto.

I then saw tears forming in her eyes as well. She must know this pain I am going through.

Makoto: During th-the second killing g-game. In your notes y-you said that the m-monitors consist of b-brainwashing for you t-to commit suicide. So I tr-tried it and...I saw the m-most awful things. Well heard...and saw your deaths. Then I grabbed a kn-knife and I-I almost killed myself. N-Now I get nightmares of it r-replaying over and over a-again.

I saw more tears forming into Kyoko's eyes. Then she hugged me crying a little which shocked me a bit knowing she barely shows emotion.

Kyoko: I am so s-so sorry. J-Just I was afraid of l-losing you again. Like h-how you almost died in th-the first game. I-I put my own work first b-before you and our friends. So I-I panicked, but I am so so s-sorry I made you feel this way. It's my f-fault.

Makoto: It's not your f-fault. That killing game forced you to get me out. I-I am sorry.

Kyoko: Don't be. At least now we are together. And as a couple.

She held her hand out to me and I took it and she squeezed it.

Makoto: Just promise me to not ever leave by my side.

I hold up my pinkie and then she wraps around it.

Kyoko: You do still kinda act like a kid you know.

Makoto: Hey, could we share a bed tonight. I don't want those night terrors again.

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