1. They are like a pair

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„To love not means, that we look in each other eyes, but means, we look at the same direction together."

I'm lucky. My life's most exciting part is started more than 30 years ago. I had no shortage of nothing. Of success, of sadness, of failure, or of happiness. Was such that, the darkness caught me, or that someone, who I loved, leaved me, and that I felt myself on the top of the world. But nothing it would have been the same, if he wasn't next to me. Maybe to both of us have a pair, maybe we don't belong together officialy, but it would be a shame to deny it, from most important persons there is only one for me. If I have a partner in this world, then he is. He is not just my best friend, he is my other half, for whom I would sacrifie anything at any time. As he too did this at many times. When the world is collapsed around me, he was, who came after me to the darkness, that he took me out of there, and I went with he because we knew, without each other we are don't the same already. He say, he believe in the fate because of me. And I because of he I hope, that the forever is exist, because neither of us can exist in the world without the other. The most beautiful in this, that we belong together in the people's eyes as well. Also like a presenters, also like a friends and many times also like a something more. We blame them? Absolutely not. It was an important part of our joint career for many long years, that we acted like a pair, because we knew, everyone love this, and we had the required trust and sense of humor for this. In our career first half many people didn't doubt, that we lived together, the harmony between us was so much natural, and this is our sucess's key until today. Luckily, we've both been the types always, whom it did not bother at all. We clarified, that they were wrong, we smiled one at each other, and lived our lives forth. Because of this everything is allowed between us, and exactly because of this the bond between us is unbreakable, because we are the same, but we complete each other, and there is such love between us, which never will be between two ordinary male friends. We called each other friends, but this is so much more. How would I can call this? It's called platonic relationship...I think...

On 2021's February's one windy day I looked the street from the window, and waited, that Joe, our driver parking front of the house. Naturally on today, as every on blessed workday, we were in quarter hour late compared to planned time. Obviously not because of me, and not because of Joe, just he is spend his waiting time in the car on every day, while Declan Donnelly get done finally. We were in the 20th minute, as for the late, and I just took out my phone, when I saw the approaching car. Reliefing and with little bit overacted annoyance took on my coat, to I step out the door.

"It's the top of it all already, Dec!" I opened the left door, to I sit in the vehicle.

"All right, I'm sorry. I overlooked the time" The guilty one defended.

"You not overlooked, you absolutely not looked the time" I laughed.

"Incredible, that you can explain on every morning, why we need waiting for you at least half an hour us together" Joe added looking in the rear-view mirror.

"Exactly!" I agreed.

"But I brought for you ice cream..." He take out from his bag three ice creams.

"Did you buy these so that you can reconcile us?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No, these were on sale, we shopped to much, and they not fit in the fridge already."

"And it doesn't bother you at all, it's February, right?"

"Not really" Dec answered with big grin.

Joe and me started laughing at the same time, and we accepted the gift. We went to the ITV headquarters, so the ice creams were disappeared, by the time we arrived. We both of us really missed the Saturday Night Takeaway shootings, and was big happiness the returning to here. This show was a really ours, in vain was it close to our hearts the Britain's Got Talent and the I'm a Celebrity as well, to which we likewise added a little of ourselves. Although the previous year was a little bit chaotic, in this year everything returned the normal, so the SNT's season 17 was again broadcasted on live to the telly. When we stepped in the studio's door, we get a big greeting, as expected from the owner of the greeting.

"Oh, here it is our lovebirds!" Shouted in big voice our favourite magician.

We both of us turned in the voice's direction, although we exactly knew, who is this. A pair of meticulously selected shoe, a black pants, and a dazzlingly glittering golden suit approached us from among the staff. Its owner never can be stayed unnoticed. To the big voice usually a big noticeability belonged. But the most importantly: a big heart too. Stephen Mulhern this is the man in a team, who you think at first, that he just want to be the master of fun, and you realise, you really can't grieve near him. To be bored especially not.

"It's good to be here again" he said honestly, after hugging both of us friendly.

"Yeah. We were already missing to blow up British TVs again" I said with fake ego.

"I think, the people too were miss to you two" Stephen added.

"Aww, thanks, mate" Dec gives a sound to the gratitude simply, what we felt towards our friend's love, and what we feel always.

"It will be a fantastic show, I feel" I grinned.

"You mean that unbelievable?" Dec added mysteriously, while his eyes are runned through on the golden suit.

"UNBELIEVABLE!" We echoed with Stephen the his favourite word, altrough of the two of us only his emphasis is real and inimitable.

After the initial talking everybody went about their business, we discussed the show's details, the scripts, the scenes, then we back to our dressing room to pick up the clothes for the day and get ready for the evening.

"I'm nervous" Dec said suddenly, while he buttoned his suit.

"Why?" I looked up to he from the shoelace knitting worried.

"I don't know. We don't broadcasted live show from the SNT for two years, I don't want, that anything will go wrong."

"Don't worry, Dec, everything will be alright" I walked to next to him.

"You know, that I always exaggerate the worrying about everything" He looked up at me with repentant look.

"I know. I know you. But you have absolutely no reason, we will have a great evening" I hugged him wholeheartedly.

"I hope this. So, even I run to the the bathroom, before we spend half an hour in the makeup room" He let me go smiling.

Dec stepped out the dressing room door, when I fast shouted after him.

"Darling, you left here this!" I handed him his tie which he left on his chair in his great excitement.

"Wow, what did I miss?" Stephen asked, who exactly then stepped out from his own dressing room.

"Thank you, Darling, we must repeat this sometime!" Dec overplayed the situation, then sexy dancing he marched to the bathroom.

"Then I'm coming now?" Stephen asked, looking at me joking.

"Hey, hands off, he's mine!" Dec turned a corner then laughter erupted from all three of us.

"You know...I absolutely understand the people" Stephen started, while he wiped out this spilled out tears from laughing.

"What are you thinking?" I asked suprised.

"You two are really like a pair" He answered chuckling, then leave us, because one staff member calling him because of something. We just smiled at each other, as so many times.

The show is went great, the atmosphere was cloudless and cheerful, exactly like it used to be. True to our habit, we made an idiots of ourselves on the telly, but our career is about this, and we can't waited, that what does else this period that is happening normally again bring to us?

We thought, 2021 is started fantastic for us. Beside the Saturday Night Takeaway's season 17, the BGT's season 15's live shows waiting for us too, and who knows, with what waiting for us the coming months. Although since we have recurrent shows, usually the years are similiar, but always come new surprises, which we do not expect and which we always deal with together, and this will continue to be exactly the case. This is how we work, we pull ahead the each other, because anything comes, no exist, which we can't deal together. That's our motto. Together anything. And that... Let's Get Ready Tooo...

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