8. What will happen now?

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„Love is more about the other's lack than about being together."

Another alarm, another morning. But this morning was different from the previous one. Waking up from my dream, I quickly eliminated the loud song and then immediately smiled. I felt a familiar hand on my waist which lovingly embraced me. I slowly turned around to smile at the owner of the hand, but Dec's eyes were still closed. Maybe I turned off the alarm so fast that he didn't wake up to it? I began to gently stroke his hand resting on my waist, watching in admiration how peacefully he slept. He was happy, I still saw on him, and I was glad he could probably owe it to me. His face suddenly shuddered, he gently squeezed mine with his left hand resting on me so far, then opened his eyes with a smile.

"Good morning, Darling!" I whispered in husky voice.

"Good morning!" He replied with a happy sigh, then climbed a little closer and cuddle to me.

I just watched him, and wish I could stop the time so I would never have to get up from here. Of course, Dec had snuggled up to me countless times in our lives, we always needed each other's touch, much more than two average friends. But the knowledge that I could even kiss him now if I wanted, it just made it even more magical. After a short thought, I did so, I didn't want to miss any more opportunities. I gently pulled my hand out of his, turned his face toward me, and gifted his with a slow kiss. At that moment, we heard a warning knock from the front door.

"Boys, get up, work is waiting for you!" Shouted a staff member from outside. Suddenly I couldn't tell who it was, but at that moment I wasn't really interested.

We sadly noted that we had to throw ourselves into the work and continue the selective torture of our celebrities with the difficult tasks and the horrible food. Although the atmosphere of our small accommodation was filled with emotions and stolen glances, we stepped out the door as we had entered the night before. Like Ant and Dec, the two best friends. Of course, no one could know what happened last night. That these two best friends already knew each other's kisses and couldn't wait to taste them again.

However, the days of filming were running out and the day we were heading back to London was getting closer. Actually I was really scared. In the last days I didn't dare ask him, what actually was going to happen now. I just wanted to take advantage of every moment while I'm with Dec and while I had the opportunity to kiss him sometimes. It was like we were together, but we weren't officially. My case it would have been almost easy to handle, but he was greeted at home by a wife and a child, and I had no idea how he would settle this in himself. I didn't ask, because I was afraid of the answer, I just wanted to enjoy this for as long as possible. Dec was also sleeping on my shoulders on the way home, and I really didn't know sleep for a minute anymore, I was just getting more and more nervous about this insecurity. What if we get home? Do we continue what we started behind everyone? Or was that all? A short experience? A miracle that can't happen anymore? Honestly, I didn't even know when we were going to discuss this. We obviously didn't have a chance on the plane, when we got back to London, Joe went to Dec's house first, so I didn't have a chance to stay alone with him. While Joe took me home too, I kept looking at my phone in the car to see if any messages came from Dec, but nothing. At home, I tried to greet Anne Marie as honestly as possible, but I was probably not convincing at all. Luckily, the tiredness was a pretty good reason, although my girlfriend responded that she have a surprise upstairs for me, and then went to take a shower. I took this time to finally call Dec.

"Hy!" I said in a slightly hurried voice "We should talk about... you know."

"Hello! Yes, I think so" Dec replied in an overcast voice.

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