7. If you fit, I fit

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„Nothing drives away a dream as like an unsolved mystery."

The alarm rang painfully early on my phone. With my eyes half closed, I stretched one toward the bedside table, squeezed out the disturbing sound, then leaned back on my back and tried not to fall back asleep. It was hard until finally my flashing memories they caught up me, that what a day it was. The beginning of another adventure on the other side of the planet, three weeks with the cheerful crew, a couple of celebrity in victim role, and Dec. I quickly headed for the bathroom, while Anne Marie got up, made two coffees, and then she watched in a robe as I last checked out every package which I had packed the night before. She wanted to escort us to the airport, but citing the early date, I talked her down, it would be more convenient to say goodbye at home. To her, too, because she doesn't have to drive home, and to me, because until I see Dec, it's easier for me to say goodbye to her to be authentic. I will miss her a little bit, but the joy of being with Dec for three full weeks was already stronger. Joe, as always, arrived on time, helped carry my bags, my girlfriend and I exchanged a more or less loving farewell kiss, and then headed for Dec. Last night, I emphatically asked him to be able try not to late, at least today, and he seemed to have succeeded. Ali too accompanied him to the garden gate, so I could see their farewell kiss too, which hurt a little. Of course, I've seen them together many times since my teenage feelings woke up again, but now that I'm so happy because of the trip, the unpleasant feeling it got bigger in me, which I would beautify either way, but called jealousy. But after saying goodbye, Dec sat down next to me with a radiant face, which immediately made me feel a little better.

"Good morning!" I greeted him with a wide smile.

"Morning? Even the sun barely rose" Dec yawned sweetly, while he leaned his head on my shoulder for a few seconds.

"You can sleep until we get there" I tried to influence him to stay here.

"I don't want to because it will only get worse after that. At most we'll sleep on the plane" He is back to normal sitting position.

"There we will sleep definitely. I have already forgotten how long the trip will be" I counted the hours in my head.

At the airport, we met the staff and the celebs, who were of course brought to the place by their own drivers. Everyone seemed excited, even Dec woke up a little from the ever-accelerating events. We put everything and everyone together and then the journey of more than 20 hours began. Dec and I were naturally sitting next to each other on the plane, we talking about our usual nonsense, and about the upcoming shoot for the first few hours, and then I noticed, that Dec started answering more and more slowly and in short.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked with eyebrows raised, since I saw that it was.

"A little bit" He lied.

"How much did you sleep?" I inquired.

"Actually not really much, I'm having a hard time sleeping lately" He admitted.

"Are you sleeping a little bit?" I asked kindly.

"It can't be because I'm missing something" Dec answered sighing with his eyes half-closed.

"What would you miss?" I laughed "For another 15 hours, nothing interesting will happen except the machine noise and the clouds."

Dec didn't even react to this anymore, he just leaned his head on my shoulder and fell asleep within minutes. I could have followed his example, but I didn't want to miss a minute of the time we spent together. I just leaned my head on the back of the seat with a smile, and although I closed my eyes, I just enjoyed this good long moment. Then I must have slept sometimes, too, because almost 3 hours gone too, by the time I opened my eyes because of Dec's squirming. The journey ended as it began, with conversation, laughter, interjected jokes from crew members. We were glad that the atmosphere was always like that with them, because that was how quickly the journey took place before we finally landed on the island of Australia. By the time we arrived at the exact location, we had occupied the accommodation and arranged the most important things, it was already the next afternoon compared to the start of the trip. In fact, too much has happened for I can to be sleepy, and especially to think about any private problems. In the evening, however, life calmed down a bit, everyone retired to the accommodation to relax before tomorrow's work. Dec and I got a shared apartment-thing, with two separate bedrooms, which bothered me a little bit. But still, it was like a shared flat, I knew Dec was sleeping on the other side of the wall, and I could hear him singing under the shower again. Of course my thoughts was constantly swirling, I knew that if Dec felt anything out of what was going on inside me, something had to happen here, while we're here. As long as we are away from everything and everyone, because what happens in Australia maybe stay here. Double feelings swirled in me, I was glad we were finally here, but in the meantime I was very afraid that nothing would happen. I watched the ceiling while lying on the bed, listening to the sound of crickets and birds outside as they make me sleepy pretty slowly after a busy day. I would have almost fallen asleep when I heard noise from outside. It wasn't loud, just a few nesses, but it was enough to my eyes open. Refrigerator door closing, the sound of a water bottle. I climbed off the bed, opened the door softly, and looked out of the room.

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