6. Just you and me

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„Many times you love someone who doesn't even suspect your emotions, and yet you stay as faithful to him as if your love were reciprocated."

I was excitedly getting ready in front of the mirror even though that I already gone to Dec countless times, but today was special. It wasn't a normal workday, but a loose Saturday for two of us, before we travel to the other half of the world again, and we won't have time for similar days together for a while. Since we were several activities planned and we don't knew when we'll be done, so Joe only took me to Dec's house, from there we would travel on our own two feet.

"Joe is here!" Anne Marie shouted from the living room, although I too heard, that our loyal driver stopped in front of the house.

"I'm coming!" I answered, while yet adjusted my hair already heading for the door with half foot.

I ran down the stairs, picked up my shoes and jacket, and then leaned over to my reading girlfriend on the couch for a fast farewell kiss.

"Have fun!" She said, turning back to her book.

"It will be, bye!" I said goodbye almost running, then closed the door behind me.

"Do I have to wait for you too already?!" Joe asked funny as I jumped into the back seat.

"I'm sorry, time's ran a bit" I apologized "But I'll never break Dec's record" I added.

"That's sure" Joe answered with a smile, and then we set off.

With a trembling stomach, I looked the familiar streets and houses next to which we passed. I found it a bit comical that after an almost spent life together, I start to get excited every time we meet. Of course, during the day, it always subsides, as I keep myself busy with work or time spent together, but for a while now, every day spent with Dec starts with the butterflies in my belly. And meanwhile, I wanted these butterflies to be there in his belly, and at the same time I wanted them to disappear from mine. It's awful that love can hurt even when you should basically feel fantastic because of the pink cloud. My phone buzzed in my bag, but when I started searching, fell into my hands the little surprise lurking next to it, which made me smile. When I looked at my phone, of course, Dec's message lighted on the screen.

"You're in late, Mr. McPartlin! :P" Dec wrote, I could hear his sneering voice even on the letters.

"We'll be there soon, Mr. Donnelly!" The traffic is heavy :D" I replied with a grin. The traffic was heavy really.

"Very good, when you finally get here, you can reconcile me..." Came the ambiguous answer from Dec, to which I raised an eyebrow, but I couldn't hold back the smile.

"Don't worry, it will be ;)" I wrote back, actually referring to the surprise, though I would have liked to have answered something more honest.

Dec already only responded with a kiss emoji, by the time I started chuckle. He probably guessed I would really be there at him soon. As we approached their house, I could already see him standing in the doorway with his phone, I was surprised, that he was not in late now. We stopped in front of the garden gate, I thanked Joe for the ride, then jumped out the door. Dec walked to the gate with a smile, then stopped on tiptoe right in front of my face.

"Sooooo?" He nailed the question to me with a smug smile.

"What?" I smiled at him with raised eyebrows.

"Where is the promised reconciliation?" He waiting looked into my eyes. My heart pounded a big one as his green eyes looked to my soul, so I just suffocated the feeling in a sigh and held his favorite chocolate in front of his nose that I had reserved for him.

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