12. Surprise

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"It's worth living for you and I have to do my best to keep you by my side."

We were still in early 2022 when I was waiting for Joe and Dec standing in the window again on a painfully early morning. I was sleepy but very happy. Not just because I'll have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my secret love again, but because auditions for Britain's Got Talent Season 16. began today. Furthermore, we were preparing for a big announcement, of course only in a narrower circle. I was excited about it, but I couldn't wait to see, who react how, and it was good to think that we wouldn't have to hide on the filming days at least from them. I understood how David and Simon felt, when they told us their own secret. So yeah...I was happy, and I didn't even care that Joe was already a quarter of an hour late again because of Dec. Luckily, Anne Marie was still asleep, so now, exceptionally, I didn't have to pretend I didn't jump out of my skin because of happiness when the familiar car finally arrived in front of the house. I picked up my coat, closed the door, and almost jumping make my way to the car door.

"Good morning!" Dec greeted with a mysterious smile.

"For you two too!" I answered, and when Joe was for sure not paying attention, I sent Dec a meaningful welcome smile.

Then something came to mind. Actually, why not today? We've planned a surprise for today, so let everyone be surprised. I took out my phone and then started writing a message to Dec sitting next to me.

"How about Joe be surprised today? He deserves to be a part of today. I would be happy if I could finally hold your hand in the car ;)" I sent it away with a smile and then I poked Dec's side, to he see what I sent.

Dec read it, thought for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement. Then came the one harder question. But how? Are we tell to him seriously? Shall we really shock he and I just kiss Dec in the back seat, like David did? Or should we just be funny? Then, of course, it occurred to us that officially none of us were single, and we also need to understand this fact with everyone who knows about us, so spontaneous kissing might not be the best idea.

"Joe, listen" I began, though I didn't really know what I was going to say.

"Yes?" He asked back.

"We'd have some great news for you" Dec continued with a grin.

"What would it be?"

"Remember, what you said me about a month ago when I ran out after Dec and hugged him when we brought it home?" I asked, though I knew Dec didn't even know about it.

"Hmmmm" He began to think "I remember something like... that usually I not seeing that much emotion between two men, right? Why?"

"Then I didn't answer anything. You touched the essence a lot, though" I grinned as my heart pounded wildly, but it was a great pleasure to finally tell him that.

Joe just looked in the rearview mirror with round eyes. He didn't really know what I was aiming for or what he should respond to. I just continued to grin mysteriously undisturbed, and Dec watched curiously what would become of this.

"Now... now what does that mean?" He asked in confusion.

"Do you promise to keep our secret until we communicate it to the world?" Dec asked seriously.

"Now... now does that mean...?" Joe asked with his mouth open, by the time Dec nodded and leaned his head my shoulder.

"But you can't tell anyone. Simon and the girls too will find out today. And yes, we know what you mean now, but we ask that you just understand us and trust us. We'll sort everything out, but it will take time and effort" I said my usual text for the third time in my life, hoping to find accepting tabs even now.

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