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„As long as there is hope, we can cling to it. And if the light of hope shines on this whole world, we can have a common future."

"Aaanth, come on, we'll be late!" Dec shouted from the ground floor.

"Declan Donnelly say this... "I answered cheekily from the bedroom.

I heard footsteps on the stairs, and then my fiancé soon appeared in the doorway.

"I heard it!" He walked beside me "You already couldn't be more perfect, let's go!"

"Thank you, Darling, but this is an unrepeatable occasion" I examined my carefully adjusted hair from all sides.

"You're getting ready like a bride, even though it's not even our wedding yet!" Dec laughed, still looking behind me from behind me in the mirror.

"Are you sure I'll be fine this way?" I turned around.

"You're breathtaking."

"Hmm, you too!" I pressed a short kiss to my love's lips after I looked through my pair spectacularly. He really looked perfectly.

We quickly tied each other's ties and then headed for the front door. Joe was patiently waiting for us outside, he was dressed up too, as everyone had been invited to this wedding. When we arrived at the huge function room and got out of the car, a lovely familiar voice hit our ears.

"Hi guys, you're finally here!" Amanda walked towards us in a beautiful dress.

"How nervous are our lovebirds?" Dec asked with a laugh after we both hugged Amanda.

"Simon doesn't look like nervous at all, but David yes, I'm just coming from him. I tried to reassure him that everything would be perfect, but I don't know how successful it was."

"It's just natural, everything is added to a perfect wedding. Two young lovers, two beautiful bridesmaids, and two amazingly sexy best man" I listed with raised eyebrows before Amanda laughed heartily.

"Anth, come on, we will welcome the others, then let's see him" Dec took my hand.

"Go ahead, he will be happy for you!" Amanda agreed, and then we set off for the building.

"The today it's crazy. I never thought we would be here one day" I told to my tiny pair as we walked down the corridor toward the room used for the dressing room.

"Neither do I, but I feel like it's going to be a fantastic day. Today, a story is finally coming true and I'm glad we're part of it."

"Me too, but only one day will be more awesome than this day. When you are going to be the nervous groom" I stopped at the door looking into Dec's eyes.

"I can't wait" He gave me a love kiss that melted my soul a little.

I felt happiness and hope. Happiness because everything has been restored and hope to remain so forever. I was happy for David and Simon, I was happy for ourselves, simply everything was finally perfect. Because we dared to move towards each other. We dare to love, to leave, to take risks, and to hope that one day every heart will be where it belongs...


I read once from an other ficwriter, that "If enough people read this, maybe it will be true". I too want believe in this. So please, you too believe in this! Believe in their pure love, because I think, the world needs their relationship until the forever. Maybe one day, we will be right!

Thanks for the votes, comments, views for everyone, I'm still sorry about my mistakes, but I hope, you loved this book!


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