15. Our new, common life

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„If two people have to be together, they will eventually find each other anyway."

The next morning, the autumn rays of the sun shone brightly through the window through the material of the curtains. As the sounds of my last dream faded, I opened my eyes sleepily. When I saw my love sleeping on my chest, the memories immediately flashed, causing me to smile broadly. I felt a deja vu. We've woken up similarly in Australia, but it's been different nonetheless. Now it's not just the memory of a kiss coming back from my mind. Lots of kisses, lots of touches and memories I didn't want to lose, I knew in vain that I would experience a hundred more times if it was up to me. I began to caress Dec's hair gently as I looked at the ceiling, playing in my head over and over again every frame that came to mind. When Dec moved and slowly opened his eyes, I kissed his forehead lovingly.

"Good morning, Darling!" I greeted him just as I did after our first night of kissing.

"Hmmm, you too, Anth!" He kissed my neck and then snuggled back to me.

When I carefully tried to climb out from under his head, he stubbornly hugged my waist and wouldn't let me go. I saw him do it directly because he smiled in the meantime.

"Do not go away" He muttered, still lying on my chest.

"But I have to go to the bathroom" I chuckled.

"No" He said in a childish voice, grinning.

Then I tickled his side and laughed as he pulled himself together so I could escape. I picked up a pair of pants, pressed a short kiss to Dec's lips, and then went into the bathroom. When I looked at myself a little more closely in the mirror, I was a little surprised by the sight. I'm used to having my hair messy in the morning. But while I fixing this, I noticed something else too. A red scratch mark on my right shoulder, which sure wasn't there the night before. As I stroked the four-line mark with my fingers, I smiled in disbelief. I returned to the bedroom with the same smile where Dec was already sitting on the bed leaning against the wall. I sat down next to him and looked at me with a ton of emotion.

"Look this!" I pointed on my shoulder with raised eyebrows.

"What is this?" He took a closer look at the red stripes "Did I do that?" He looked at me with round eyes.

"Do you think so? It wasn't there last night yet" I answered smirking.

"Really hurts?" He asked anxiously, but in response he received only a loving kiss "Not so much, then" He laughed.

"It doesn't hurt at all, just surprised. I don't even remember it" I admitted.

"I'm sorry" Dec answered with a shy but flirtatious smile "I have never done this before."

"In this case, I feel honored. And..." I kissed him again "... don't hold yourself back another time."

"Do you think I will have another opportunity for such horrors?" Dec asked with a wink, while our faces just a few inches apart.

"Now already even in any room, if you want" I whispered to his lips.

Dec grabbed my neck and presented me with a passionate kiss, which I no doubt interpreted as a yes. After he let me go, I got up from the bed and then, seeing Dec's happy grin, walked out the door whistling.

That's how our days went by. Freely. In the bed. Anywhere in the house. Among kisses. In love. Happily. I felt like I had never felt before and I knew it was worth the wait. Shortly after Dec moved in with me, we took another huge step in our lives, sharing with the world that we were together. Consistent with our style and laxity, we used Twitter for this as well, and the support we received surprised even us. Of course, there were those who were unable to live with this, but there were hundreds of times more who claimed, that world order had now been restored and that we had finally realized that too. They were right. From then on, we went hand in hand with Dec everywhere and met supportive smiles everywhere. Yes, the world order has now been restored. And I thought one night we should celebrate this...

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