4. Decisions and questions

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„Once you fall in love with someone, you can no longer think logically about him."

One sunny early summer day I sat on one classic checkered blanket in our favourite park. Joe had an exceptionally urgent program, so we gave him a day off, and if it happened this way, we planned for today a picnic with a walk. However because of this Dec too came on foot, so I had some doubt. Because if Joe waited for he in front of the house, at least he tried pretending hurry, so in turn nothing held the Uncrowned King Of The Late back, that he to never actually get here. I decided not to write to him because it was completely unnecessary. Rather, I tried to enjoy the silence alone for a while, so I leaned back and lying on the blanket looked at the blue sky. The calmness was so overwhelmed me, that even my eyes were become closed, and I almost fell asleep, when I could no longer feel the sun's rays on my face because of something or someone.

"Sunbathing in long pants and a T-shirt is not very effective" Dec looked down to me grinning.

"Hmmm, from this angle you are almost tall" I answered with calm smile.

"Admit it, you wouldn't even like me if I were tall" Dec sat down next to me and put down the canvas bag in which presumably the sandwiches lurked.

"That's right" I sat up "Then you would no longer be my Fruity Little Smoothie" I cuddled to him, while I sqeezed him with my two arms.

"I agree" Dec looked at me proudly after I squeezed the air out of him.

"And what did you bring, if I may ask?" I inquired pointing to the bag.

"Here it is" He gave to me a sandwich "To you can feel again the bacon on the cut grass"

"Bacon sandwich? You are the best!"

"Anyway you knew, I will bring like this" Dec laughed.

"I knew, but you're still the best" I winked, and Dec raised an eyebrow seductively.

"You're so cute at this time" I laughed into my sandwich.

"Only at this time?" Dec cut a sad face.

"No. Always" I climbed closer to him, and kissed his nose suddeny, by the time he laughed surprised.

"If anyone sees us here without knowing us, then they are sure convinced, we're a couple" Dec said while he looked around.

"It never bothered me" I said calmly.

"Me neither, I'm not saying that" Dec added quickly "Just it's funny."

"I would be proud, if you were my boyfriend" I answered naturally, while I packed the napkin that contained the sandwich. Then I rethought, what I said and looked at Dec little worried, because I didn't want to put him in an awkward situation.

"Aww! Then I would can constantly quarreling with you about your inability to keep order among your shoes and you always would wear a different ones!"

"Exactly. And I could be nervous for a lifetime constantly, because you late from everywhere. Oh wait... I'm still doing this" I joked in relief.

"Be careful or I'll smash your face in!" Dec threatened me laughing.

"You wouldn't hurt me anyway" I leaned closer to him, then I looked into his eyes.

"That's right" He smiled with sudden seriously, then he sat right next to me and hugged me.

I was a little surprised by the sudden gesture, but I was heartily happy for this. I also hugged him and took a deep breath of his familiar scent. One new feeling started to rule in me that I didn't want to let him go, just let's stay that way for a while. When Dec wanted to straighten back to a sitting position, I wouldn't let him, I just squeezed smiling.

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