Gryffindor Wins!

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*A few days later*

Harry still hadn't woken up yet. Me, Hermione and Ron were standing at the top of a stairway and talking. Ron and Hermione had gotten to be a bit better friends after the experience we all had.

I heard footsteps from behind us and turned around, Harry was walking towards the staircase.

"Harry!" I say with a huge smile.

Hermione and Ron turn around and smile at Harry, happy he was back.

"You alright Ron?" Harry asks.

"I'm alright. You?" Ron asks.

"Alright. Hermione?" Harry asks.

"I'm great" Hermione says.

"Y/n?" Harry asks.

"Never better" I say. We all walk to the great hall for dinner.

*After dinner*

The tables and plates had all been wiped clear after everyone finished eating dinner. Dumbledore stands up and says "Now we have a house cup to we awarded."

Everyone pays attention to this. "In fourth place with 312 points Gryffindor" Dumbledore says.

Our house is in last place.

"In third place is Hufflepuff with 352 points" Dumbledore says. I clap quietly as the rest of the tables were clapping loudly.

"In second place with 426 points is Ravenclaw" Dumbledore says. A bunch of applause fills the hall.

"And in first place, with 472 points, is Slytherin" Dumbledore announces. Everyone was cheering loudly except for Gryffindor.

I thought that was it until Dumbledore says "Yes, yes! Well done Slytherin! Well done Slytherin! However, due to recent events, I have some last minute points to award."

Everyone looks up again and listens. "First of all to Miss Hermione Granger for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave trouble, 50 points" Dumbledore says.

All the Gryffindor's clap. "And second to Mr Ronald Weasley for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen these many years. 50 points" Dumbledore says.

We all clap again. "And third, to Mr Harry Potter. For outstanding courage, I award you 60 points" Dumbledore says. We clap once more and Hermione says "We're tied with Slytherin!"

"And fourth to Mr Longbottom. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our enemies, but an even greater deal more to our friends. I award you 10 points" Dumbledore says. Neville looked shocked and everyone clapped for him.

"And lastly, to Miss Y/n y/l/n. For always helping your friends. I award you 10 points" Dumbledore says. Everyone claps again.

"If my calculations are correct, we have some redecorating in order" Dumbledore says and claps his hands. The Slytherin banners turn into Gryffindor banners. Everyone cheers loudly except for the Slytherins.

*Next day*

I finished packing my trunk and took it down to the train. Me, Harry, Hermione, and Ron were about to get on the train when Hagrid waved Harry over.

Me, Hermione, and Ron wait by the door for Harry. Harry hugs Hagrid and runs over to the train again.

"It feels a bit strange to be going home, doesn't it?" Hermione asks.

"I'm not going home. Not really" Harry says smiling at Hagrid.

We find an empty compartment and sit together. We all talk the whole way home.

"I'll ask if you can stay at my house for a bit Harry. You two are welcome to come too" Ron says as the train comes to a stop.

We get off the train and step onto the platform.

"Well I should be able to write to you guys. And Harry lives across the street from me so I think we're good communication wise" I say.

I hug Ron and Hermione goodbye. Me and Harry cross the barrier. I walk over to my parents who were waiting for me. I hug them because I missed them so much.

My parents take me home. Hermione was right. It does feel strange to be home.

I take Rocky to the tree on the end of the road. I let her go for a fly, and climb the tree and sit down on a branch. The last time I've done this was when I got your letter.

I already miss it there.

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