Chapter 1: Tsu and Uraraka are dating now?!?

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Uraraka POV
I wake up and it's Wednesday a another boring class. But I was excited to see Tsu I don't know why I always turn red when I'm near her or think about her. I get to class and I see Tsu and I say hey Tsu.

Hey Tsu. Hey Uraraka ribbit I say. So Uraraka I have a question for you.  Yeah what is it Tsu? Can we hang out today Uraraka? You mean just the two of us Uraraka says while blushing. Y-Yeah just the two of us I say while I blush and see Uraraka blush to.

After class because I'm lazy :)

Uraraka POV
So it's a date! What ribbit?!? Umm n-not that w-way Tsu. Umm ok ribbit later Uraraka. I'll meet you at your dorm Tsu!! Ok ribbit!! I get dressed and I head out to Tsu's dorm. I knock on the door and Tsu said come in but I thought she said come in so when I open the door and I see Tsu in her bra?!? Umm s-sorry Tsu I-I thought you s-said come i-in.

Uraraka you don't have to be sorry I should of said it louder. Umm stairs at Tsu chest. Uraraka are you staring at my chest? Umm n-no I'm not starting at you chest Tsu. Then why are you blushing Uraraka? Umm just go get ready b-babe I-I m-mean T-Tsu. Umm Uraraka can you turn around please? Umm sure thing Tsu.

Uraraka POV
(Mind): I'm such a idiot *hits forehead* I can't believe I said babe. She is going to think I'm a weirdo. Umm Uraraka are you ok? Oh I'm ok Tsu nothing to worry about I say with a fake smile. Are you sure Uraraka you never hit your self  I'm worry about you Uraraka. No no Tsu it's ok. No it's not ok Uraraka tell me why you called me babe or why did you hit your self  *Pins Uraraka on the wall*. Tsu why did you pin me to the wall I say while I blush. So you won't run away from my question or me she says with a stern voice. Ok f-fine I'll tell you Tsu can we go on the bed? Fine *grabs Uraraka's hand and goes on here bed* So why did you hit your self and call me babe? I took a deep breath and let it out and I said Tsu I like you. That's why I called you babe and the reason why I slap my self because I thought you would think I was weird and do you like me-.

I cut off Uraraka by giving her a kiss it lasted about 10 or 20 seconds. Then I hear sobs but I can't tell if it's happy or sad sobs I look up and see Uraraka smiling and crying because she was so happy that I like her back Uraraka got on top of me. So is that a yes Tsu? Yes Uraraka then I kiss her. Then we hear someone open my door the person was...

Haha cliffhanger :)

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